Chapter 14

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Sejin hated hospitals with a passion specially after the last few incidents with one group of boys that he felt protective over like they were his little brothers.

Not the people who worked in the hospital; everyone was very kind and patient with him. But he hated how the past year he had spent too much time in these kinds of buildings. Last year with a bomb attack happening during rehearsal. Next up that awful time when the members where finally rescued after being kidnapped by the attackers. And this time... This time it was just bad luck and the worst timing ever.

Who could have imagined 7 boys that were recovering from serious injuries would be attacked by nature while being at what should have been the safest place for them: their home. A place that Sejin had found when he was at the hospital the last time tending to the same members he's worried about now, and he couldn't help but feel guilty about the awful situation. What if he had found a different house? At a neighborhood that wasn't as affected due to the heavy floods. Then none of the members would be suffering right now.

And he wouldn't be sitting in the waiting room waiting for an update from the doctor about his boys. All these thoughts had his mind plagued with worst scenarios.

It had been hours since the rescue team had informed him of their arrival at the dorms and their efforts to have the first member be brought to the hospital. He had received a phone call from the emergency services that they had successfully transported Namjoon to the nearest hospital where Sejin was currently sitting, and that they would continue to get the rest of the boys as well. Sejin was grateful for the update, but at the same time he was restless with nerves not knowing how the leader of the group was fairing remembering the condition he had heard from the other members.

Seokjin had hastily explained on the phone that Namjoon was sick with a fever, but the manager could only guess how bad it must have been for Namjoon to be evacuated first. But judging by the anxiety in Seokjin's voice, he knew it was nowhere close to being assuring. Yet another member to add on the 'injured list'. He was grateful when Namjoon was one of few members that wasn't recovering from injuries after the capture, but somehow the universe thought he should have his fair share and get hurt as well.

Sejin checked the phone in his hands for the up tenth time in the past minutes. He needed to use the bathroom, but the emergency services could call any minute, or a doctor could come out to give him an update on Namjoon, so he decided to cross his legs and stayed seated nervously.

Thankfully it was only a couple minutes later when his phone suddenly rang and within record time Sejin answered the call.


"Mr. Kim, I'm calling to let you know that as of now all boys are at the hospital. We just transported the last three"

Sejin sighed heavily and pressed the phone in his hands against his forehead as he tried to level his nerves before answering the man on the phone. "Thank you - thank you so so much!!"

"Don't mention it. I'm glad we could help" the man replied

The manager dreaded the next question and breathed out "Are they - are they alright? The boy's?"

"They're all quite shaken up, but they're going to be alright. I'm sure of it. Be sure to take care of them"

"Yes I will, thank you once again" Sejin said with as much gratitude as he could muster before he ended the call. Immense relief flooded through his body knowing that all members were safe now, and hearing that they would be alright did wonders for his fragile heart. He still didn't want to believe it 100% till he saw them with his own eyes, since the last time he had contact with the members it was complete chaos. He had only communicated shortly with Seokjin, who sounded like he was in the middle of a panic attack himself. But before the oldest member was talking to him, Jungkook had answered the phone and it was clear that his lungs were troubling him, again. Yoongi added more chaos in the mix as he was heard in the background panting and muttering before Seokjin had screamed that he had passed out. Soon after that he heard more voices on the other side of the line, but the phone must have been kicked to the side because he suddenly couldn't hear anything well. Every sound was muffled, and it was impossible to figure out who was who, or what was going on in the dorm.

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