Chapter 3

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Namjoon woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. Last night had been a good night and as expected he slept also very well because of it. The rapper stretched his sleeping limbs in his bed to get some feeling in them again and afterwards he reached out to grab his phone from the nightstand.

[Worst rain in years?]

[Rain, rain and more rain. Experts express their worries and advise to stay at home]

Namjoon frowned when he read some notifications on his phone from the multiple news apps he had on his phone. But when he got more awake, he started to noticed the sound of rain falling on the roof and when curiosity took over, Namjoon climbed out of his bed to watch the weather through the window. It was raining hard, but that wasn't what caught his attention. From his bedroom window he could watch over the big fences that surrounded their home and he could see how the streets were having trouble to process the enormous amount of water that was falling from the sky.

He glanced at his phone again and opened one of the notification. Apparently it started to rain since last night and the weather forecast wasn't promising. Large dark clouds were traveling over Seoul and it was clear that it wasn't going to end anytime soon. The rapper sighed. Yesterday had been such a good day and he had wished that today would be another one, but from the looks of it, they had to stay indoors until the large clouds had passed.

Now that he was fully awake, Namjoon threw his phone on the bed and went into the bathroom for a quick shower. His mind was already going through their schedule of today and tomorrow as he was thinking if he needed to postponed some appointments or not. And when his mind was distracted, he didn't notice that he was showering from more than 30 minutes.


"Did you save some water for me?" Yoongi asked when Namjoon entered the kitchen after his shower. The younger one shrugged his shoulders and went to grab some coffee for himself.

"Did you see the news? They're expecting heavy rainfall"

"Yeah Sejin already texted me that our physiotherapy appoint had been postponed. He doesn't want us to go outside today"

"Good" Namjoon answered as he took a few sips from his coffee and sat down next to Yoongi at the dining table.

"Good? It just a little bit of rain. I think Sejin is exaggerating a little bit"

"Hyung, did you even look outside? The street is already starting to flood and they said that this is just the beginning"

"Whatever" Yoongi said nonchalant and finished his coffee before standing up to leave the kitchen. Namjoon sighed as he watched the older rapper leave, but he didn't need to feel alone when Hoseok took his place a few minutes later.

"Did you see the rain Joon? We might need to wrap Jimin's cast before going to therapy today. I don't want him to destroy it when he only needs to wear it for one more week"

"Sejin postponed the appoint Hobi. On the news they are telling people to stay at home until the rain passes" Namjoon said while he was strolling through numerous news apps on his phone again.

"Ah that's for the better"

"Tell that to Yoongi, he's a bit moody this morning I guess"

"Ahh yeah he was looking forward to today's appoint. He wanted to convince the physiotherapist that his shoulder improved enough that he could carry stuff again. He hated the sling and he wants to get rid off it" Hoseok chuckled. Namjoon forced a small smile as well, but he also felt a bit worried hearing that Yoongi was pushing his recovery. They had just convinced Hoseok to take a step back and let his body heal the right way, and he really didn't want to have the same conversation with another member.

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