Chapter 7

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After watching two videos, the boys decided to so something fun for a change. They could tell that going over their trauma together without any pressure or outsiders who weren't there at the time, was helping everyone in a good way. But it was also intense because each video brought up a lot of emotions and thoughts that had remained hidden when they had been living in a survivor's mode during their capture. So it felt nice to finally talk about their inner turmoils and letting go of the last remaining heavy burdens of that awful time.

"I only have Uno in my room" Taehyung said and grabbed the card game from his desk.

"It's okay Tae. I don't even have a game"

"We seriously need to invest in some more games though. Don't get me wrong, I like playing Uno, but it can get boring after a few rounds" Hoseok added as he accepted the cards from the second youngest so he could shuffle them.

"At least Taehyung knows the rules by now"

"Yes and now I'm the king of Uno" Taehyung said proudly and flashed his boxy smile. Nobody would have guessed that the members had just watched two awful videos together as the mood in the room was light and enjoyable. The 95-liners were magnets like usual, sitting next to each other but always in close contact with each other. The maknae line would have been complete with the youngest, but Jungkook was still comfortable in Seokjin's arms and it didn't look like he was going to get up any moment. The oldest member looked very comfortable as well and even started to get a little more noisy when the others carefully tried to tease him every now and then. Hoseok was sitting near Jimin and Taehyung and busy shuffling the cards with Yoongi helping him on the other side of the bed. And lastly their leader, who was sitting on one of the big comfortable chairs next to the bed, quietly enjoying their happy chatter.

"Ahh I know a game we can get!!" Hoseok said and did a little excited jump on the bed "One of the staff had brought it during our concert tour last year"

"The one in the purple box?" Yoongi asked

"Yes I think it was purple, but I'm not sure though"

"The one where you need to find pairs on the cards? With those little drawings?" Yoongi added

"Yes that one!!"

"Wait let me find the name..." Jimin said and grabbed his phone. After some quick typing and scrolling his face lit up and showed his screen towards the others "It's called Dobble! Or Spot It, I don't know the difference"

"Guys..." Seokjin suddenly intervened. The others immediately went silent, something that always happened whenever the eldest decided to talk since he got a depression. "It is doable for everyone?" he asked while he cautiously motioned to the boy in his arms.

The four members looked a bit hesitant at the question and remained awkwardly silent, but thankfully it was Taehyung who saved the day "Ah what about Jenga? Jungkookie, do you know that game?"

The maknae smiled and nodded "Aish Kookie will destroy each one of us with Jenga. His hands are so steady. Everyone who can draw well is good in Jenga!" Hoseok added to let the youngest smile even more.

"Jimin hyung will be good at it" Jungkook said

"That's it then, we're getting Jenga as soon as the damn water leaves"


"Joon? It's your turn" Yoongi repeated for almost the fourth time in a row. Namjoon was clearly snapped out of his thoughts and needed a moment to figure out what card was on the top on the pile and decided to throw a green 8 from his hand.

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