Chapter 5

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"Hyung are you okay with watching the video? We can also skip it and go on with Yoongi's and Taehyung's video" Namjoon asked Seokjin when he opened the next video that contained the oldest and youngest standing in front of each other.

"I'm fine. It's important for Jungkook" Seokjin said, and the rest had withhold themselves from convincing the oldest member that the video was just as important for himself as for Jungkook, but they knew it would be better to let it rest for now. So Namjoon nodded, but before he pressed the play button he looked at the maknae sitting next to him.

"Do you remember this part, Kook?"

"Yeah I think I do"

"What was the last thing you remembered?" Jimin asked softly

"Uhm I remember drowning? But I don't know if it was a dream or not, it is all a bit blurry..."

"That's okay Kook, we're here to answer all your questions. Just let us know when we're going too fast or if something isn't clear for you" Namjoon said and then he started the video. The 7 members watched the laptop closely, each of them leaning forwards to look at the small screen of the laptop, but the 5 members who weren't involved in the video were also looking sideways to watch over Seokjin and Jungkook.

Once again, Seokjin had an unreadable expression on his face but they did see him flinch sometimes when Jungkook screamed. The youngest however started to rub his own arms and legs unconsciously as if he remembered how his muscles spasms when he was tasered. Namjoon and Taehyung noticed it as well, and rubbed the boy's back and limbs to comfort him.

When the video ended the room remained silent as everyone looked at the youngest and oldest member to say something, but both needed a moment to process what they had seen.

"I didn't know that the taser continued when I passed out" Jungkook suddenly whispered.

"Kook, I'm so sorry" Seokjin said as he looked hurtful at the youngest

"No apologizing" Yoongi quickly reminded him, but Jungkook shook his head "No I'm sorry hyung. I'm sorry that I passed out, I shouldn't have! It must have been awful and it's my fault!"

"How could you say sorry when I was the one to hurt you?"

"Both of you stop apologizing!" Yoongi said a little louder this time. "If we want to make this work, we need to stick to the rules, so again: no apologizing. Hyung, let's start with you, do you want to say anything?"

"I uhmm" the oldest started a little uncertain. He just wanted to tell Jungkook how sorry he was for hurting him, but Yoongi was right. If he would only apologize right now, he would never be able to tell how he felt besides feeling sorry. "I feel like the worst hyung ever. I hurt you three times Jungkook, how can you be sorry?" Seokjin almost sounded angry, causing Jungkook to lean backwards instantly and bump against Namjoon.

"I - I..."

"Hyung lower your voice" the leader growled as he held the maknae close to him.

"I kept hurting you over and over again, but you kept looking at me with trust and love" the oldest member started to sob so Hoseok stood up and to his surprise Seokjin let him hug him.

"I don't understand" Jungkook whispered sadly. The boy was torn between going to Seokjin to comfort him, but he didn't know if the oldest wanted him close to him or not. So Jungkook kept his distance, but he also looked at the others for answers.

"Jungkook, look at me" Yoongi was suddenly sitting in front of him. The pale rapper moved a hand underneath the maknae's head to turn his gaze away from Seokjin's crying form. "Seokjin had to hurt you three times, not once"

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