Chapter 2

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It was a casual morning in their new house. Members were starting to wake up one by one, some earlier than the others but Namjoon would always be the first one to get ready for the day. And today wasn't any different. He had eaten breakfast with Taehyung and Hoseok who needed to leave the house early because of their appointment with the skin therapist. It was a regular check-up like every other week, so he didn't think too much of it. He was more worried about Taehyung's appointment that was scheduled next week, Friday to be exact, because then the surgeon would decide if the scars on his back weren't limiting his mobility too much. The boy is too young to be limited in his daily activities and especially if there was an optional treatment to fix it. But Taehyung didn't see it like that. He saw the treatment, a surgery, as an absolute nightmare and he was scared to death to ever experience hallucinations again. The doctor had tried to reassure him that they would use the right anaesthetics so he wouldn't have to worry about that, but nothing helped with his lingering fear.

But that was going to be a problem for next week. Namjoon had learned from therapy sessions to take problems by the day and not worry about things that lay in the future. And on today's program was not only Tae's and Hobi's appointment, but the youngest and oldest also had an appointment. Seokjin was going to therapy alone and it would be the third time for his hyung to go by himself to the psychologist. The past couple of weeks he had always been accompanied by one of the others, because they didn't completely trust him on his own. Although he had never shown any signs of self-harm or worse, they worried greatly about the oldest because he was far from being his own cheery self. So last week the psychologist had to convince 6 people and their manager that Seokjin had improved enough to come alone to therapy and that it would be better for his recovery as well. But still, Namjoon did worry a little bit if everything would be alright but they had to trust the psychologist in this.

And another thing to worry about for today was Jungkook's appointment with the cardiologist. During his time on the ICU he had some heart rhythm disorders as a result of being septic. It was something temporarily that disappeared as soon as his pulmonary infection was treated properly, but the cardiologist wanted to make sure that no lasting damage had been done to his heart. So that's why he had an appointment with the said doctor today. Namjoon knew it was just a precaution, but every doctor's appointment was always a bit nerve wrecking. He wished he could have joined the maknae so he could hear with his own ears that the boy was doing okay, but he had a meeting with Sejin today and that important as well. And besides, Jimin would go with him and the oldest maknae need this just as much. Jimin had improved a lot the past couple of weeks and he was close to being himself again, but sometimes the others could still see some guilt inside the boy. So showing him that they completely trusted him to take care of their youngest while going to an important appointment, was a big step for him.

"Good morning hyung"

"Hey Kook" Namjoon said when the youngest walking into the kitchen and sat down on the other side of the dining table.

"Hyung where is Jungkook's hospital card? I already found his medicine and ID card though" Jimin's voice was heard before he wheeled himself into the kitchen as well. The leader smiled as he noticed the serious look on the boy's face and it was clear that Jimin was taking his new task very serious. The oldest maknae had grabbed a backpack and filled it with not only necessary stuff that they would need, but also with 3 phone chargers, power banks, snacks, drinks, the Nintendo Switch and also a plush Cookie?

"Why did you pack a Cookie?" Namjoon chuckled. The rapper stood up and went towards one of the kitchen cabinets where he knew Jungkook's hospital card would be.

"In case we need to wait long and Jungkook gets tired, then he can use Cookie as a pillow!"

"I'm not tired" the maknae defended himself as he was getting a bit ashamed how Jimin was preparing like they were going on a short holiday. The smaller boy smiled softly at his donsaeng and parked him wheelchair next to the table. "I know, but we can't be too prepared, can we?"

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