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"KENZIE! You almost packed?" Her one year older brother Trevor screams from his room down the hallway from hers.

"Yeah, Yeah! Give me like three minutes then we can be on the way, Promise!" She shouts back, Stuffing the rest of her clothes frantically into her black suitcase that is barely shutting all the way, Eventually getting it shut after wrestling with it for 5 minutes. Mackenzie takes one last look in her mirror, Spraying her favorite Chanel perfume on herself before heading out her room and closing it shut behind her for the summer. "I'm ready Trev, Let's go!" She yells, Pulling her luggage out into the hallway.

Trevor comes out of his room with his luggage, Wearing a pair of light grey colored lulu lemon shorts, A white 'Anaheim ducks' T-shirt and a white backwards hat on top of his messy brunette mop of hair. The usual Trevor outfit.

"Jesus christ, Trevor. You smell like a fucking Hollister." She says, Scrunching her face in disgust. "Chill out with the cologne." She adds, As Trevor pulls her into his side squeezing her super hard and teasing her with a "Aren't you just the sweetest sister ever."

They both laugh and drag the luggage down the stairs, Immediately met with their parents sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee as they spot their two kids walking down the stairs.

"Leaving already?" Their Dad Gary asks putting his coffee down on the table, Looking up at them.

"Yeah, Leaving a little early, Don't wanna hit traffic. Plus, It's looking like everyone's flights are gonna land earlier than expected." Trevor answers his dad as he opens the fridge to grab him and Mackenzie a water for the road.

"Awh okay, Come here my babies." Their mom Julie whines as both parents stand up from the table and walk towards their kids bringing them both in for a big family hug.

"We really wish you guys, Ellen and Jim were coming this year. I'm sure you'll have a blast in the Bahamas without the kids though!" I tease my mom.

"We wish we were coming too honey, But it is gonna be nice being away from a house of moody and crazy young adults for a bit. And trust me, You guys will be happy we're not there." Julie replies holding her daughter's hand. "We'll be there for the fourth of July! We'd never miss a lake Michigan fourth." She smiles at her kids placing a kiss on both foreheads.

Kenzie and Trevor give both their parents a hug and kiss goodbye and start heading out the front door as fast as they can hoping they can get away with not getting the speech from mom, But they just aren't quick enough to miss it.

"Behave! Have fun, But don't break anything valuable! Oh! and be safe. Don't forget to tell all the kiddos we said hi, Have the best summer ever, Love you! Be smart!" Mom rambles out trying to get all her words out before her two kids shut the door on her.

"Yes Mommmmm, Bye! We love you!" Trevor and Kenzie say at the same time in a 'We understand' tone before shutting the door and looking at each other letting out a deep breath and a head shake.

"God they're so grown, Our babies. Going to our lake house with their friends without us. Soon they'll be bringing their own kids there." Mom says to Dad, Watching us pack up the car while her eyes get watery at the sight.

"I can't wait to be fucking plastered every single day this summer." Trevor exclaims as he throws in both of their luggages into his decked out, All black jeep wrangler.

"Yeah same, I have a feeling it's gonna be the best summer yet" Kenzie replies hopping into the passenger seat as Trevor puts in the directions to their family lake house.

"LETS GOOOOOOO!!" Trevor yells loudly pulling out of the driveway as Kenzie shoots him a laugh.

The two siblings talk and sing to Trevor's rap playlist for the entire 2 hour car ride to the lake house.

The lake house <3 (JACK HUGHES FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now