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The group finally arrives back at the lake house and everyone falls out the car groaning and hitting every stretch in the books due to the fact that they were practically conjoined for the past hour.

"C'mon!" Kenzie turns back swatting her hands to the direction of the door, Yelling to the group and eager to start the summer,  As everyone limps, Dragging their feet and following her into the house.

"Smells like pure happiness." Cole takes an audible deep breath and exhales, Making everyone look at him weirdly and laugh at his usual antics.

"Oh how i've missed you Cole." Kenzie smiles brightly at him as Cole runs over and jumps on Kenzie, Both of them falling on the floor in a fit of laughter.

"Oh how i've missed you." Cole says tickling Kenzie on the floor, Both laughing and rolling around like kids.

"I'm claiming my room now!" Jack shouts loud enough for everyone to hear, Darting up the stairs as the remaining 6 guests chase behind him, All competing to get the best rooms in the house. It was like their olympics every single summer.

"Shall we?" Trevor glares over at Kenzie from the kitchen holding up a handle of Tito's with a michievious smirk plastered on his lips.

"Let's do it." She sighs gracefully , Walking up next to her brother as he fills up 2 solo cups with Tito's and cranberry juice.

"Cheers to the best summer ever." Kenzie lifts her cup as Trevor follows, Clinking them together, Both connecting their lips to the rim of the solo cup and letting out a "Oh wow." with sour faces, Since Trevor, Of course, Made the cocktails 90% Tito's, And 10% cranberry juice. They both laugh and reach for the bottle of cranberry juice to fix the overpowering drinks.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Hey, Make me a drink. How could you forget about me?" Cole mopes offendedly coming down the stairs, Seeing we started the pregame without him.

"Cole, I'd never forget about you buddy, I'll make everyone a drink. How about that?" Trevor says unstacking the solo cups and placing out 7 more in front of him filling each of them up the same concoction.

Everyone comes back downstairs panting after physically fighting over the rooms, All grabbing a cup from the countertop in silence.

"So who won?" Kenzie looks around at the out of breath group standing there with their hands on their hips, Chest heaving and all.

"Jackkkk" They all groan in unison, Rolling their eyes as Jack smiles proudly, Knowing every single year he wins and is still undefeated at getting the best guest room in the house.

"Uh, There's a bonfire tonight at the beach if you guys are down. The Umich boys are down here at Ethan's house" Luke tells the group, Looking up from his phone reading out the Umich hockey group chat.

"Oh yeah. Totally let's go!!" Liv says taking a sip from her drink and quickly looking around at everyone else to get their opinion.

"Down" "Yeah fuck it" "Let's pregame" Multiple  answers come from the group at the same time agreeing to go to the bonfire.

Kenzie takes her drink and heads into her room pulling out her makeup bag to do a quick touch up on the makeup she already put on this morning.

"Hey Kenz." A familiar voice that's engraved in every corner of her brain, Comes into her room. She turns her head slightly and see's Jacks figure at her door frame as she flashes a quick smile at him.

"Hi Jack. Come in" Kenzie lights up, As she continues applying her makeup as he sits on her bed beside her vanity.

"How's LA?" he begins their first conversation in a while.

The lake house <3 (JACK HUGHES FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now