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-Wedding reception-
The wedding and Wedding reception both take place in the back of the lake house. Both Jack and Kenzie wanted it to be at the place it all begun and the place most special to them.

The DJ pulls out a mic and screams into it, "Can we get our beautiful bride and Groom to make their way to the dance floor for their first dance?"

Jack immediately grabs Kenzie's hand and leads her onto the floor as the two intertwine with each other and "A thousand years" begins playing through the speakers.

Everyone stands around the dance floor admiring the two and the love they've always had for each other.

Kenzie looks up at Jack and smiles at him as he brings his hands down to wrap her waist.

"I love you more than anything in this world Kenz, This is the day i've been waiting for my whole life." He says looking down at her.

"I love you Jack. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else in this world." She whispers back as the two continue to dance hand in hand.

Tate and Trevor are standing hand in hand watching them dance as are Alex and Liv, With Cole next to them.

"Fuck!" Cole says as his eyes water up immediately.

"Awh cole. Always so emotional." Tate says laughing and throwing her arm over him to feel included.

The song ends as the two kiss on the floor as everyone stands all crying and clapping for them.

"ALRIGHT NOW WHO'S READY TO PARTY?" The DJ yells through the microphone as loud party music begins playing and everyone cheers.

Kenzie and Jack make their way to their friends, Each of them giving them hugs, Congratulating them as they walk over to the bartender asking for a round of shots.

They each grab a shot glass and raise them up as Quinn begins to speak.

"To my brother and his lovely wife, Also my built in baby sister, We wish you both the happiest and most loving years to come. You guys are the reason we all believe in love. Cheers and happy wedding day. We all love you both very much." Quinn says as they all clink their glasses before taking the shot down.

They all end up ordering a cocktail to sip on before spreading out and talking to all the guests as Trevor comes up to Kenzie placing his arm around her and bringing her in for a tight hug.

"Congrats Kenzie. You deserve this kind of love more than anyone else in the world. I love you so much and thank you for giving me the best years of my life." Trevor says looking down at his little sister cuddled under his arm.

"Trevor, I couldn't have done this without you. I love you so much and also, thank you for giving me the best years of my life." She says back standing up on her tippy toes giving Trevor a kiss on the cheek

*The Dj plays a new song*

"OH MY GOD" Kenzie screams.

"OUR SONG" Trevor says grabbing her arm as the two run up to the middle of the floor laughing and just breaking it down and dancing alone on the dance floor to the song as everyone stands and laughs at the two siblings.

The wedding reception ends up being the most fun night of everyone's lives. A night full of dancing, drinking, talking and just being surrounded by everyone's loved ones.

It's now around 2:00am and the guests begin to say their goodbyes and the party starts to clear out except for the group and their parents

The parents begin gathering their belongings to leave as they say goodbye to each of the kids

"Congratulations we love you both so so much. I'm so happy I have an official daughter now even though you always were my daughter." Ellen says grabbing Kenzies hand and giving her a kiss on the cheek as Jack and Kenzie hug Ellen and Jim goodbye along with Kenzie's parents.

The door finally closes and the kids are now left alone

"What a fucking night" Trevor says visibly blacked out with his shirt unbuttoned, His tie flung and loose around his neck and his hair looking like he just got struck by lightning.

"Tell me about it" Cole replies laying flat on the hardwood floor struggling to drink his water

Tate stumbles down the stairs holding onto the railing for dear life trying not to fall.

She grabs onto Kenzie and Jack and begins slurring her words "I love you two sooooooo much congratulations love birds. Best Wedding evererrrrr " She groans out, With her eyes practically rolling back into her head.

Kenzie and Jack laugh and Kenzie grabs onto her best friend so she doesn't fall "Thank you Tate we love you too but let's get you all to bed." She says as Tate just closes her eyes and nods.

"You got her? I got Trevor and Cole." Jack asks Kenzie.

"Alex and Liv? Where are they?" Kenzie asks as she looks around

"Passed out on the floor upstairs." Jack replies as Kenzie nods and laughs.

"Alright come on Tate, Let's get you to bed." Kenzie says leading her up into Trevor's room tossing her onto the bed tucking her in as she passes out in seconds as Jack walks in with Trevor in his arms as he places him next to her also falling asleep in seconds

Kenzie sighs and looks at the two of them sound asleep "That was easy"

"Come on we have to go do something." Jack says grabbing Kenzie's hand leading her back outside to the dock as Jack pulls out a razor and begins carving into the same plank of wood he wrote on years ago.

"Here let me finish it." Kenzie says as Jack smiles at her handing her the blade as she writes "We got married! J+K." Along with the date of the wedding as she smiles at him pulling him in for a long kiss.

"Come on, Let's go have the best wedding night." She looks at him as he swoops her into his arms and walks towards the house into their room shutting the door throwing her on the bed and immediately hovering over her as the two begin to make out

"Jack i love you." She whispers to him pulling away from the kiss

"I love you." He repeats back to her pressing a peck to her lips as he smiles down at her unzipping her dress and taking off her heels as he admires his wife and the two have the best wedding night.

The lake house <3 (JACK HUGHES FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now