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"ALRIGHT! Everyone grab a mop, A broom, ANY cleaning supply and get moving. Parents arrive in like an hour." Trevor announces to everyone bright and early at 8 in the morning.

"Well happy fourth!" Tate jokes, Throwing her hands up sarcastically as she just woke up and already has to be a maid and clean the house.

"Andddd, That is why you're mopping." Trevor flashes a sarcastic smile at her, Tossing the mop in her direction.

"Literally fuckkk you Trevor" she says catching the mop, putting her middle fingers up at him as everyone laughs at the interaction.

"How the hell are we out of alcohol already?" Alex says looking deeply into every corner of the fridge. 

"Are you actually surprised? We've been on a bender this entire summer and it's not even over yet. " Cole says turning to Alex who's still looking through the refrigerator for any signs of a beer, No where to be found.

"I will gladly go get some more alcohol." Kenzie jumps up from the couch, Willing to do anything and everything to get away from cleaning.

"I'm gonna go too. You know, With my girlfriend." Jack gets up off the couch with her, Seeing exactly what Kenzie's trying to get out of.

The two quickly grab the keys and start speed walking towards the door.

"Woah, Woah , Woah. Not so fast there." Trevor rushes up to them, Stopping them right in their tracks.

"Since you guys are gonna be out already, Here's a grocery list for the barbecue!" Trevor hands them a 3 page list as Kenzie's smile drops.

"Have fun!" Trevor sarcastically smiles at the two as everyone laughs

The whole house gets cleaned while Jack and Kenzie handle the groceries and the alcohol.

The group sets up the kitchen with some snacks, a bar and some fourth of July decorations before the parents arrive.

"I think we did a decent job." Alex says tilting back into his hands placing them on his hips looking around the house with satisfaction.

"I'd say so too." Cole nods, Throwing a chip in his mouth.

The group throws on their baiting suits and just hang around in the kitchen drinking until they hear a knock on the front door.

"THEY'RE HERE" Tate screams as Kenzie rushes to the door to be met with her mom and dad.

"Hi sweetie! Oh, We missed you so so so much " They say placing a kiss on her head and walking into the house to give hugs to all the other kids

"There's my girl! " Ellen says walking up to Kenzie with open arms after saying hi to her sons pulling her in for a long hug and kiss on the cheek.

"How's everything with Jack?" She whispers down to her

"Amazing. He's everything i ever wanted." She says to Ellen, Smiling up at her. 

"God, That makes me so happy. I was waiting for so long for you two to be together. He's always loved you so much." Ellen says to Kenzie rubbing her arm and then bringing her in for another hug

After everyone is finally done greeting each other the parents go outside, The moms chilling, Drinking wine at the patio table and the dads begin grilling.

The kids finally take a deep breath and look at each other all amused that they got this house together in a few hours considering how bad they trashed it over the past couple of weeks.

"They didn't notice the hole behind the TV." Trevor says with relief

"Or the missing door to the basement." Cole adds

"Let's cheers to that" Liv says grabbing the bottle of tequila behind her pouring everyone a shot

The kids all grab a drink and jump into the pool. With the way they drink, They're already plastered before dinners ready, But hey, Who cares, it's the fourth of July.

Jack swims up to Kenzie picking her up by her waist so her legs wrap around his back kissing her a bunch of times

"Slow down horn dog don't forget our parents are here today." She laughs wrapping her arms around his neck

"ONLY FOR TODAY?" Jack smiles widely excited that the house won't be filled with parents for the rest of the summer.

Kenzie laughs back covering his drunk mouth "Yes only for today, they're leaving after dinner. They gotta get back to work after the Bahamas" She explains as Jack's bright smile is still plastered on his face

"Best news i've ever heard." He says pressing more kisses on her lips

"Look at our kids Julie, They're so happy and in love" Ellen says looking over at the two in the pool laughing and kissing.

"They are the cutest aren't they. Soon we'll be at their wedding" Julie replies pouting noticing how grown up all the kids are getting.

"Oh i knowwww.." Ellen whines with a frown seeing their babies right in front of their eyes.

"DINNERS READY" Jim screams as all the boys jump out of the pool like they haven't eaten in weeks grabbing a plate and putting pounds of food on them

"Holy fucking fat asses" Liv says climbing out of the pool

"For real" Kenzie follows laughing

"We're gonna be eating crumbs" Tate chimes into the ongoing joke.

Everyone finally has a plate and is seated at the long table set outside

"So how's everything here so far?" Gary asks the group of kids seated around the table.

"Fun. You know the usual. Laying outside all day, drinking, partying." Trevor answers his dad, taking a bite of his salad.

"Right i don't even know why i bothered to ask like i was expecting a better answer." Gary says making everyone laugh at the table

They continue talking and enjoying each others company until everyone's done with dinner.

The parent's slowly start to gather their belongings to head out and say goodbye to all of the kids.

"Treat her good Jack, She loves you. Your're a good guy. I know you will" Kenzie overhears her dad say to Jack causing her to smile

"I will sir. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me." Jack replies as the two hug

"Trev, Is that a hole behind the Tv?"  Gary asks, Furrowing his brows, Walking over to take a better look.

"No? What? Where?" Trevor says immediately trying to play it off the best he can.

"Right over-" Gary gets cut off by his son shoving him out the door

"Nope no. no hole. I don't know what you're talking about. I'll make an appointment with your eye doctor for you, Looks like your getting old. Alright Bye guys! " Trevor says and shuts the door pressing his back to it breathing out in relief that they're gone.

The lake house <3 (JACK HUGHES FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now