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Kenzie awakens from the heat of the sunlight grazing the side of her face, Turning her body the other way to face Mark, Seeing him already looking at her as she smiles and places a soft peck on his lips.

She whispers, Lacing their fingers together, "I had the best night with you, But I think i'm gonna go back now, I'm gonna have to face them sooner than later." The girl sighs as she sits up and gets off the bed, Picking up her skirt from last night, Sliding into it.

"Look at me." Mark gently grabs her wrist as she turns to face him, locking eyes with him."Everything will be okay." He reassured the worried girl as a small smile appears on her face, As she responded by hugging Mark tightly, A hug that she desperately needed.

"See you very soon." She turns back at him smiling as she  begins walking out of his door downstairs to be met with the entirety of the Michigan hockey team.

"Oh hey!" Ethan says from sitting at the island in the kitchen, Taking a bite of his cereal, Smiling at Kenzie sarcastically. "Fun night?" He smiles even harder, Wriggling his brows jokingly.

"So fun." Kenzie says back laughing as the boys join in knowing exactly what happened, All excited for their best friend to get the girl he's been raving on about for years.

"Bye Kenzieeeeee!" The group of boys say in unison as she waves to them all and heads out the door, Shutting it behind her.

Kenzie slowly walks down a few houses and she's met looking at the lake house in which she's dreading to walk into for the first time EVER. A feeling of both anger and anxiety pooling at the pit of her stomach to walk through those two wooden doors.

She takes a deep breath, Walking up the long brick driveway of her lake house, Quietly opening the front door, As she's met with EVERYONE in the kitchen. Her worst fear came true.

All of their heads spring up to the door, Immediately stopping whatever they were doing prior, Standing completely frozen watching Kenzie with wide eyes as if Beyoncé just stepped through the front door.

Kenzie glances at them in silence with no expression on her face, Bolting upstairs, And slamming her room door in the eery silence of the house, The sound of the door loudly echoing through the entire house, Jolting the group.

They all look at each other with wide eyes with a semi scared look on their face not saying a word as Jack is the only one looking down at the floor in dread thinking about what he's done and he is the only reason she's acting this way.

Kenzie flings her over night bag into a corner of her room as she plops down onto her bed, Pulling out her phone and scrolling through instagram, Which she ultimately planned on doing all day because seeing Jack's face today would probably make her punch a hole through the wall, or his face.

"It's Me and Liv, Kenzie." She hears Tate say through her door. Kenzie groans standing up, Cracking the door and letting the two girls in, Immediately locking it back up as they walk in and sit on her bed.

"Kenzie, What even happened?" Liv automatically asks, While getting comfortable on her bed knowing she was probably in for a long story.

Kenzie crosses her legs on the bed and looks at her best friends sitting in front of her with worried looks on their face and she begins to speak.

"So yesterday at the party, Me and Mark hooked up in Ethan's house, In the kitchen and Jack walked in because he needed to use the bathroom and he saw us. After we went back out to the beach, I saw Jack sitting on a bench alone looking so upset, so I went to ask him what was wrong, Like a good friend, and he fucking FLIPPED on me." She explains the situation to the girls seething with anger.

The lake house <3 (JACK HUGHES FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now