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"Hey, Have you seen Jack?" Kenzie asks Cole, Who's standing in front of the array of drinks on our kitchen counter.

"Uhhh yeah, He's outside with Alex , I'm pretty sure." He says not too confidently, Peering over the counter looking out the window to make sure he's right, Then nodding at Kenzie in confirmation.

Kenzie peers over the counter looking outside and spots Jack talking to some girl, While Alex is a few feet away from him, Talking to a group of people.

Although there's a slight twist in her stomach, Kenzie ultimately thinks nothing of it as she trusts Jack with all her heart and really, there's no reason to be jealous. She definitely doesn't want to be one of those psycho girlfriends who doesn't allow their boyfriends to even speak to any female, She was never that type of girl.

Kenzie shrugs her shoulders and makes her way back over to Cole smiling as he makes them a drink as the two begin to have a conversation of their own.

"Cole we need to find you a girlfriend, Huh?" Kenzie turns her head grinning at him as he sends her a grin right back

"Who you got in mind Zegras?" Cole raises his eyebrows at her then looks in front of him into the pool of people in the living room.

"I don't know! There's so many girls here, Why don't you try talking to one of them? Ou! What about that girl?" Kenzie nudges his shoulder as she looks into a direction of a girl standing in the corner of the party.

"Too tall, Kenzie come on, You know who you're talking to right now, right?" They both laugh as Kenzie continues her search with her eyes.

"What about her? Shes pretty!" Kenzie perks up at her potential match making abilities

"Yeah she is pretty, Maybe ill-

"Kenzie. Kenzie, Come here. MACKENZIE." Tate yells out just a few feet away, like she just witnessed someone get murdered as there's a look of sheer terror printed on her now pale white face.

"What?" Kenzie turns around to see her best friend's mouth to the floor looking out the window as she rushes over to her, Her heart sinking into her stomach, Praying it's not what she thinks it may be.

Cole turns his head, Seeing the girls reactions and immediately rushes over to them, Confused as to what they're looking at.

"Holy shit." Cole says under his breath as tears start to form in Kenzie's eyes looking at Jack and the girl kissing.

"Yeah.. Fuck that." Kenzie scoffs with her voice breaking, Immediately pushing through crowds of people, Sprinting upstairs to her room and locking the door, Dropping down to the floor on her knees, Her lungs Searching for air as tears pour from her eyes.

Trevor makes his way into the kitchen laughing with a few other friends, As his smile quickly begins to fade looking at Tate and Cole's faces, Standing by the counter looking at each other with pure sadness in their eyes from watching their best friend's heart break into a million pieces just a few seconds ago.

"What the fuck happened?" Trevor rushes over in a haste, Immediately knowing that something wasn't right.

"Kenzie saw Jack and some girl outside kissing." Tate says quietly trying her best to hold back her tears and heartbreak for her best friend.

"Are you fucking serious?" Trevor's tone snaps from worried to angry in the matter of seconds as he immediately storms outside, Going straight up to Jack without hesitation. Jack's now alone and far from the girl he was caught with, Sitting on a patio chair with his head in his hands.

"JACK. I'm gonna fucking kill you. I asked you for ONE THING. ONE FUCKING THING. NOT TO HURT HER." Trevor says shoving Jack immediately as a crowd begins to form around them due to Trevor's yelling catching the attention of many.

The lake house <3 (JACK HUGHES FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now