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It is officially August, Meaning we only had a few more weeks at the lake house for the summer before we all go back to our normal lives. This summer has been filled with such mixed emotions, So much happiness but also sadness at times when I find myself overthinking about everyone's future and how fast everything was moving.

Kenzie begins to toss and turn in bed, Slowly waking up as Jack pulls her into him as he places a feather like kiss on her temple.

"Good morning baby" He says in his husk morning voice as Kenzie smiles and kisses him back on the cheek gently.

"What's wrong my love?" Jack flips his body to be in line with Kenzie, As he senses something is wrong as he can read her like the back of his hand.

"Nothing baby. I'm okay." Kenzie forces a small smile though a million of thoughts are racing through her mind. "C'mon let's go start the day. We don't have a lot of days left here." Kenzie says jumping out of bed to avoid lengthening the conversation.

She reaches out for Jack's hand as he takes it and slides off the bed walking down the stairs with his wife into the kitchen where everyone is making a big breakfast.

"Good morning" Kenzie says to the group as they all say good morning to the pair.

"You guys wanna do a pool day? Just get drunk and lay out?" Cole asks the group as he flips a pancake as everyone's sitting around the counter waiting for their food.

"Let's do it" Alex replies "Cole hurry the fuck up i'm starving" He adds

"Hold on, Princess. I'm cooking for like 10 people here and no one's helping me so you're gonna have to wait." Cole argues back

Cole ends up cooking a feast for everyone as we all sit down and enjoy breakfast together just talking about random and stupid shit as always and we begin getting ready for the pool after we finish eating.

"Is this cute?" I ask Jack as i put on a new baiting suit and look into the mirror analyzing it.

"Anything you wear is cute baby." Jack says coming to stand behind me as he wraps his hands around my waist

"Ugh, i knew you were gonna say that, You're no help." Kenzie sighs then laughs turning around and grabbing Jacks face and placing a kiss on his cheek "Your're too sweet" She says to him as the two walk outside hand in hand to the deck where everyone's already tanning or in the pool with a drink in their hand

"Here, Catch." Trevor yells through the rap music blasting over his speaker to Jack throwing him a high noon "Here Kenzie" Trevor says throwing his sister one as well.

"Pool or tanning?" Jack turns to me asking for my choice.

"Pool." I smile back at him looking over into the pool seeing all my friends drinking and laughing just having a great time which warms my heart

Jack hands me his drink as he front flips into the pool almost taking Cole out

"Cmon babe" Jack says as he takes his hands to push back his hair out of his face as I squat down in front of Jack placing our drinks on the deck as he grabs my waist gently putting me into the water

Hours go by and it's now hitting evening time so the group decides to get out of the water and head inside as they're all drunk

Jack goes into the bathroom to take a shower as Kenzie steps in with him to brush her hair

Jack turns on the water and begins undressing "Join me?" He asks his wife standing beside him as she laughs lightly grabbing his hand and stepping into the shower with him.

The lake house <3 (JACK HUGHES FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now