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Jack wakes up earlier than Kenzie the next morning so he lays with her for a while, Just feeling her heartbeat against his chest, Making him feel complete, Playing with her hair until she wakes up.

"Hi." she breathes out innocently immediately after opening her eyes and seeing jack.

"Hi princess." He replies moving a piece of her hair behind her ear than giving her a quick kiss.

Jack grabs her hand, twiddling his fingers into hers as they lay there for a few more minutes in each others company never wanting to leave.

"Okay c'mon let's go say hi to everyone so they know we're alive after last night" Kenzie says grabbing jacks arm as they step out of bed and walk down the stairs to meet everyone in the kitchen.

"Oh hey you two, What's up." Quinn says while scrambling eggs for everyone in a pan.

"How was your night?" Cole asks smirking at the two

"Oh, i can describe their night for you in full detail. I couldn't sleep until they were done fu-" Alex goes on a tangent since he has the room next to Kenzie's.

"OKAYYYYYY" Trevor cuts off Alex, Not wanting him to finish the rest of his sentence as everyone laughs.

Jack pulls out a chair at the kitchen table and grabs Kenzie's waist, Placing her on top of his lap, Wrapping his arms around her stomach pressing soft kisses to the back of her shoulders.

the group eats breakfast and spends the day outside as usual.

A few hours pass, Kenzie gets up from her tanning chair and walks over to Jack. "Baby, I don't feel good, I'm gonna go to bed." She tells the boy, As he immediately gets up and follows her inside.

Jack pulls open the covers for her and helps her into bed.

"I'll be right back." He assures the girl bringing up waters, Advil, And some snacks and places them on her bedside table.

"Scoot over pretty girl." He tells Kenzie as she groans, Sliding her body over a few inches.

"Baby it's okay, Go back outside, Have fun i'm okay just need to lay down for a bit" she turns over to Jack rubbing the side of his face gently.

"This is more fun. Being with you." Jack says hopping under the covers with her.

"C'mere" He tells the girl as she places her head on him as they turn on a movie and cuddle into each other.

"Take a nap, You'll feel better princess." He tells the girl as she nods into his chest, Eventually falling asleep as Jack lays there watching the movie.

Trevor walks upstairs to use the bathroom and passes Kenzie's room, Peeking in, Seeing how peaceful and happy the two look together smiling at the scene.

Jack catches Trevor looking as Trevor gives him a smile and a nod of approval making Jack smile back at him.

There's 5 minutes left to the movie and Kenzie starts moving around slowly groaning

"How do you feel baby?" Jack asks the girl

"Good as new. I think a just had to take a nap because of last night." She says back to Jack pushing herself up to be next to him

"Good, I'm glad you feel better" He smiles at the girl

Kenzie grabs her phone her phone on goes on Instagram

Kenzie grabs her phone her phone on goes on Instagram

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The lake house <3 (JACK HUGHES FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now