Chapter One,
"Ishailey," the phantom sound of her name floated past her ears to continue onward getting drowned out by the rolling surf that crashed against the sandy shore spread beneath her feet.
The sun felt great from the top of her head to the bottom of her toes that she instinctively dug them deeper into the warm white sand. Starring out at the ever moving surf of the endless ocean with its soothing tones of greens and blue.
She needed this warmth because in the past three months her nights were nightmarish. Fear of sleeping because knowing she was going to wake up the same way, shaken, cold, feeling so venerable and afraid with her own name that happen to initiative it. It was that single 'why' that was confusing to her. The dream is fraction in details, except for an illusive image that kept popping through. The image itself wasn't the problem it was the way it made her feel....afraid.
She had these similar dreams when she was about five and Collin had been there to hold her. Now though she couldn't go to him, things had changed between them as they had become older. Crap.
She breathed in that salty scent of the ocean which seemed to call out to her more and more of late, to exhale out in a sigh. The soft wind blew the breeze through her long blond hair making her tingle all over. This vast endless ocean had been her back door from the time she could swim, escaping into it, washing away any anxieties she had, not that she had anything to complain about, until now.
Her best friend Leah, along with herself had received their first kisses here, not only that she had learned to surf here, along with the countless family campfires. Leah was her constant shadow, only today there was no shadow, only hard hot reality that no shade could block out.
Her best friend had moved, reluctantly. Leah's dad had been temporarily transferred to LA, the company here called, Thyrax was just recently bought out and now was in the processes of redeveloping it's self. Instead of firing Leah's dad they had him take a year in their training program.
So Leah's parents felt it was best to move the whole family to the temporary house assigned to them from the company. Besides this would give their children a culture shock before coming back.
She had been to LA once with her parents for a medical convention, and to visit her land lover uncle, she hated it. Too many people for her liking and no one really talked with you, instead, they all walked around with their cell phones glued to their ears.
The smog was horrible to an islander like herself, and the tall buildings made of glass and medal had made her feel claustrophobic.
No she would keep her island home for now, besides her family's history was rooted here on this island and she was ok with that. Joel Quinlin her Great, great, great-grandfather had landed here and decided to stay, build his fortune and his home here.
Besides they had all the latest technology and gadgets of convenience that the outside world had. Hailey sighed, she was very happy with her bubble world.
Both her parents were doctors, her father being a surgeon with a chemist back round and her mother being an OBGYN. Her father like her uncles had left the island to attend collage, only in his case he returned with a land wife. A name given to those that didn't grow up here.
They both worked at the local Hospital, the Willow Quinlin which was named after her great, great, grandmother.
As to her siblings she had two older brothers, Brian who was in his second year of collage in Seattle Washington. He was staying with another of her uncles and would be coming home soon for the summer as he always did. A smile flickered across her full lips at his name.

Summer Changes
Teen FictionHailey's 16th summer isn't quite what she expected it to be. Boys, surf, and just plain fun with her best friend. Right? Unexpected changes happen especially when you find out your changing into a Mer and will be expected to marry one.