Chapter Ten

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***Chapter Ten  

It was Friday night and all was quiet at home, well as quiet as it could be with house guest every where one went.  Hailey decided she would wait and talk to her parents later about this twin thing.

Do her own investigation first, no need to get the parents upset, yet.

“Hailey, oh Hailey are you even listening?” Leah snapped her fingers in her face.

“Uh, what?” she blinked out of her thoughts to stare at a frowning Leah.

“ I asked if you saw the way Colin’s been looking at me?” Leah flopped onto her bed sighing.

“Yeah, no!” Hailey sarcastically stated and hit her with one of her pillows.

“Colin isn’t exactly one of my priorities to check out. Brother here,” she pointed to herself and gave Leah a face.

“Ok, point taken. But , . . .” Leah started.

“If you say another word about Colin, I’m going to gag you with a pillow and shove you in his closet with all his smelly clothes,” Hailey said over her shoulder heading to her closet to undress.

“Kinky, it could work in so many levels.” Leah smiled thoughtfully as she taped at her head.

“Yeah I see what you mean, he would like that wouldn’t he?” Hailey laughed with her.

“Anyways before I was so rudely interrupted, I wanted to ask you if you saw the way Josh was watching you all day?” Leah sat up sitting Indian style on her bed.

“Nope, should I have?” she asked while slipping on her blue tank followed by her sweat shirt.

“ He had this expression as if he knew he had screwed up big time. Poor fool, I kinda felt bad for him.” Leah made a puppy face using her hands for ears.

Hailey returned with the loser gesture at her forehead,

“Well at least he’ll have Heather for the consolation prize!” she said shrugging while zipping up her shorts. It still stung a little that he rejected her, only she had more serious matters to contend too.

“Ooh, ooh, envision this one, Jena and Heather going at it for Josh!” Leah busted up laughing at her own joke rolling off the bed in a fit of laughter.

Leaning over to help her up, Hailey then tossed her a bundle of clothes,

“get dressed.”

“I will if you answer me one question?” Leah dropped her clothes on the bed giving her a secret smile.

Taking a deep breath and placing her hands on her hips Hailey sighed,

“Fine. If it will make you dress any faster.”

“So where did you and surfer boy disappear too?” she asked while slipping on her shorts.

Hailey made her turn around while she unbuttoned her dress for her. Hailey had to think because it had ended badly between them.

“Come on Hail, spill already!” Leah was in her face all excited to know.

“Did he like kiss you and it was awful or something?”

“Why would you say that?” Hailey frowned looking at Leah with curiosity.

“Because you have this weird expression instead of a dreamy one.”

Leah put on her purple lacy short top with a cardigan over it.

“We didn’t kiss,” Hailey shrugged trying to be indifferent about it.

“So your disappointed then.” Leah had a point. She was a little, deep down inside she would have liked to have had their encounter go that way instead of the other.

“All he wanted to do was talk,” Hailey frowned and shrugged her shoulders.

Grabbing her shoulders Leah was in her face, “ooh maybe he’s a bad kisser and didn’t want you to know it before the wedding?” she dramatically said without taking a breath.

“Breath. But no, I don’t think so, . . .” Hailey said this as her eyes went to the magazine on her desk with his face plastered on it surrounded by beautiful females.

Leah shrugged seeing the magazine too,

“of course your right. I didn’t take him for the intellectual type though.”

“Go figure, right,” she just wanted to let it go.

Looking in the mirror one last time to pull her hair up in a pony tail Hailey noticed her necklace was missing,

“Crap,” she went to her knees and started to look around. Under the bed, dresser, nothing.

“What’s wrong?” Leah watched her.

“I somehow lost the necklace he gave me,” She sighed heavily in disappointment.

A knock on her bedroom door with a long past secret code interrupted them, followed by Colin sticking his head in.

“Secret agents Cinderella and Snow white, Mom wants us down stairs now for a ‘special’ dinner.”

He made quotes on the special using his dramatic voice.

“ Cinderella, snow white, really? What are we like ten now?” She ribbed him.

She had forgotten them acturally, she was of course Snow White because she had the brothers, and leah got the Cinderlla one because she had a step mother and sister.  Not that they were mean or anything just indifferent toward her needs.

“Oh come on, I think it’s cute he remembers our code names,” Leah says looking at Colin with those doe like eyes.

Can you be any more obvious?

“Ok who are you and what did you do to my best friend?” Hailey crossed her arms against her chest and stared at Leah who blushes.

Colin is checking out Leah now and flashes her one of his famous grin’s she knew to well saying,

“looking classy chicky.”

This is where Leah usually throws a pillow at him and gives him hell for his cheesy comment. Only this time she just blushes and does the whole deer in head light look, “thanks,” she whispers back.

Hailey rolled her eyes and stated,

“oh just gag me with a spoon right now, please!”

she pushed past Colin who gave her a confused expression.

“What’s got her thong in a twist?” he asked Leah.

“Lost the necklace he gave her and, . . .” she says this low, “ he didn’t kiss her today.” Leah whispered up to him.

“I heard that. And when did you stop being my friend here?” Hailey accused her as they talked in the hallway.

“Oh,” was all Colin mumbled.

So changing the subject Colin rubbed his stomach,

“well I have to feed the beast, so see ya!”

“”yeah we wouldn’t want the beast to show it’s ugly head,” Brien suddenly appeared behind him grabbing Colin around the neck in a head lock giving him a knuckle rub.

They play wrestled all the way down the stairs calling each other names, trying to top the other one .

She and Leah laughed behind them. Guys! Go figure.


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