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Ever since you guys moved to New York, everything has been better. Except for the fights caused by Tara and Sam. Eventually you guys got used to it but still it was kind of annoying because it happens all of the time. You, Tara, Sam and Quinn became roommates. You share the room with Tara, and Quinn and Sam have their own rooms.

Rumors had started to spread out. People now knowing that your father Roman Bridger and Sam's father Billy Loomis. People now blame you and Sam and think you two framed Richie and Amber.

You start hanging out with Anika a lot. She's fun. Mindy doesn't get jealous. Tara doesn't get jealous.

She only gets jealous when you hang out with Ethan. Ethan confessed to you saying that he liked you not knowing you were in a relationship with Tara.

"Hey, Babe. Are you coming to the OKB party?" Tara said coming in to your shared room. You looked up at Tara seeing her in a pirate costume.

"Yeah, hold on. I'll be quick" you said getting up, you heard Tara leave the room.

You dressed up into a spiderman costume (you can change it if you want)

You didn't put the mask on because the first time you put it on it was suffocating and you didn't want that to happen again. Plus you wanted to drink.

You left the room seeing Tara on her phone scrolling in social media "Babe, ready to go?" You said. Tara turned to you then smiled.

"You look great in that" Tara said as she walked to you "and you look amazing" you pecked her lips

"Get a room you two" Quinn said. You and Tara just laughed it off. You told Quinn not to tell Sam where you guys were before leaving.

The two of you were walking to the frat party and came across Jason going the opposite way.

"Oh, hey. Tara!" Jason called out. You both stopped on your tracks to talk to him.

"Jason. Are you and Greg gonna come to the OKB party?" Tara asked

"Well if he finishes his Spanish project in time, yes, we will. Is your sister coming?" Jason asked making Tara laugh a little bit

"No, Sam wouldn't be caught dead at a frat party."

"There's a first time for everything."

"Not tonight though" you and Tara started to walk away

"Can't convince her?"

"No. That's not my problem, that's yours."

"Save me a drink!"

"Alright. I'll see you"

"I still don't like him" you said to Tara. "Y/n, he's just being nice." Tara said holding your hand

"Mhm" you hummed.

When you two got to frat party you immediately went to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"Hey, where's Tara?" Anika asked as she walked to where you are "And slow down on the drinks." Anika said seeing you down your first one.

"She's upstairs." You place the cup down feeling the alcohol hit you. Maybe downing it too fast was a bad idea.

"What is she doing up there?" Anika asked pouring herself a vodka soda. "I don't know" You poured yourself another drink.

"Hey where's Chad?" You asked Anika taking a sip on your drink this time.

"He's with Ethan." You nodded. Anika dragged you with her to the couch where Mindy was.

"Oh, hey Mindy" you said flopping on the couch next to Mindy. The three of you started to talk and you kept getting up to get drinks so you just took the whole bottle of vodka.

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