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This is the last chapter of the story.

Few months had passed. It was Christmas. Everyone got back to their college classes after being recovered. You all got different dorms. You and Tara share a dorm. Chad and Mindy share a dorm. Sam has her own.

Eventually you forgave Tara about the party mistake about Frankie.

Mindy, Chad and Sam were at yours and Tara's dorm for Christmas. Sam, Chad and Mindy were at the couch playing board games, while you and Tara make hot chocolate for everyone.

"I missed this." You said looking over at Tara. She looked over at you too with a smile. "Me too." She said

Tara got close to you and slowly kissed you. You kissed back titling your head to the side.

A few moments you both pull away. "I missed that." You said smiling like a idiot. "I just kissed you earlier."Tara said

"I still miss it!" You said and Tara laughed.

The hot chocolate was done and you and Tara brought them to the group.

"Uno!" Mindy said cheering. "N/n, T. Come join." Mindy said. You and Tara sit beside eachother and play Uno with Mindy, Chad, and Sam.

The night went on with you and Mindy winning almost every round. Then it was time for presents.

You have each of them a gift. They opened it and it was a customized matching sweaters and said "Core 4" on them

They all look at you shocked "how did you pay for this, i thought you were broke" Mindy joked

"Excuse me, i have my own job." You said pretending to be offended

"As a babysitter" Mindy said jokingly. "Hey, i get money and take care of kids. It's a win-win" you said. You always loved kids, and was hoping you'd adopt one with Tara when you guys are older.

"It's amazing Y/n, thank you." Chad said with everyone else agreeing with him.

They then gave you their gift for you. Sam got you a necklace. Chad got you a hoodie. Mindy got you your favorite movie that was sold out and Tara got you a a board with all your pictures with her with some notes written by Tara herself.

A few weeks pasted and it's now New Years Eve. It was 11:52PM and everyone is grabbing a drink.

"Only a few more minutes!" Mindy said excitedly jumping around spilling her drink a little bit.

It was now 11:59PM. Everyone is gathered on the balcony waiting for the fireworks to start.

"10 more seconds guys!"Chad and Mindy said.

Everyone then started to countdown "5..4..3..2..1.. Happy New Year!" You all say cheering as the fireworks started

You looked over at Tara and she pulled you into a kiss. You smiled and kissed her back.

You both pulled away. You placed your arm around Tara's waist watching the Fireworks with the others.

Yay happy ending HAHAHAHA. It's 4:33 am and i still didn't sleep yet, probably would later. Hope you enjoyed this story!

Should i make another story of one of Jenna's characters+her or imagines?

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