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You and Tara were in the room. Not talking. You got changed already and Tara was still in her pirate costume.

"Hey." Quinn called out. We both turn to the door and see Quinn

"I'm sorry I told Sam where you went." Quinn apologized.

"It's fine. I just.. she's all the way up my ass. Like usual." Tara then sat on the bed next to you but not too close.

"I know what it's like when they hold on too tight." Quinn walked in the room

"After we, um... Lost my brother, my dad wouldn't leave me alone. He even transferred to the NYPD when i got into college, so.. stalker much?" Quinn said making Tara smile

Chad knocked on the door frame getting our attention. "I'm gonna go, let you guys.. chat." Quinn walked out.

Chad placed Tara's medicine on the drawer "Thank you. You can, um, go back to your dorm. I'm pretty sure the fighting is done for the day." Tara said

"That's too bad. I was actually looking forward to getting some shots in while i can" Chad said jokingly making a punching method

"You got a lot of shots, Y/n. He looked worse. Also how's your nose?" Chad said to you.

"It's fine. Still bleeding a little bit but I'll be fine." You said

"Thank you, guys. For not letting me up those stairs." Tara said

"Yeah, i don't know, i think i was just more messed up then i realized." Tara continued.

"Survivors you to stick together.. You know. And besides, you can do a lot better than hook up with Rape Frankie. You got Y/n" Chad said.

"I'll let you two talk" Chad said to you two. You two did need to talk. Chad then left but Quinn came in saying "I forgot my phone" which was on the table.

After Quinn left, silence filled the room. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I wasn't thinking straight." Tara started. You just nodded.

"Do you still love me?" You asked.

"Of course i do. I love you so much that no words can even explain why. " Tara didn't hesitate to answer.

"Then why did you want to hook up with him?"

"I didn't want to. I was drunk. I wasn't thinking straight. I swear Y/n i love you." Tara said

"Please believe me." Tara begged. "I need time. Okay? I love you. But, i need time to think." You said and Tara understood

"I made a mistake. And I understand. Take all the time you need." Tara said placing her hand on your arm.

You nodded. "You should probably get changed." You said. Tara nodded in agreement. You left the room to give her some privacy.

You went to the living room seeing the news on. But nothing really interesting went on.

Tara walked over to you guys sitting in on it the seats. You were just on your phone scrolling on social media. Until something on the news was mentioned.

"I'm standing in front of the apartment building where the mutilated bodies of two students were discovered. Their names have just been released by the police. Jason Carvey and Greg Bruckner."

"Holy shit, that's that chode from our Film Studies class! The one obsessed with Argento." Mindy said

"Also found at the scene were various Ghostface costumes, a character popularized by the Stab movie franchise." That got your attention.

You saw Tara look at Sam. "Pack a bag we leave in ten." Sam said going in the kitchen. Tara chased after her "Sam! Wait, Sam!" Tara called out

You sighed as the sisters fight. Then a phone call was heard making everything turn to Sam's phone on the table.

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