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You got pulled out by your thoughts from all the yelling. You now realized you were hanging onto Sam's hand

You pushed all your pain away and grabbed Sam's hand with your other.

"Holy shit, Y/n!" You heard Mindy say

You felt being lifted up. And you were. By the dude and Sam. They got you safely in his room, you were shaking out of fear.

You have never been this scared before. You were shaking a lot, your breathing got heavy, tears started to pour out.

They have never seen you this.. scared. You were always the brave, will fight anyone girl. But now all you were was a scared little just wanting to be comforted by a parent you never had.

"Y/n, hey. Stay with us come on" Sam said. You nodded and got up. You saw Ghostface leave.

You were all outside with the ambulances. You were all quiet. The police was there to clear the crime scene.

You, Mindy and Anika sat together in the ambulance, and Tara and Chad were standing

Sam was at the alley where the police where and with the guy.

You and Chad then saw Ethan. Chad stormed to Ethan pinning him to a car angrily

"Where were you?" Chad asked still angry.

"What? When?" Ethan asked acting dumb. He was the only one who wasn't there. That made you all get suspicious of him

"Last night!"

"What? I had econ. You know this."

"Bullshit man. You disappear, and my sister almost gets killed!"

"Dude, i was in a study hall with a hundred other people. You can ask any of them."

Chad then let him go "Fuck, man." He said before going back to the ambulance where you guys are.

"Oh, my God. Who?"

"Quinn" Chad said sadly.

"Y/n, Tara, I'm so sorry."

"Stay the fuck back" you said. Tara placed her hand on your shoulder trying to calm you down.

"You're at the top of my list." Mindy said.

"I had econ!" Ethan defended but none of us believed that.

"I'm gonna be right back" Tara said before going to where Sam was.

You rested your head on the ambulance walls closing your eyes. You were still shaking from fear.

Mindy noticed you shaking so she pulled you to her chest then hugged you.

You opened your eyes to see Gale and Kirby with Tara and Sam and officer Bailey.

Gale led you guys into a alley with a bunch of Ghostface spray painted on the wall and some lines from stab

You got bored so you and Chad decided to try and annoy Mindy who was next to you two.

Mindy playfully hit you making you and Chad snicker trying to hold in your laughter cause Gale and Kirby were talking

Gale unlocked the abandoned building and opened all the lights

"What is this place? What's with all the security?" You asked

"It's a movie theater" Tara said

"It's not just a theater. It's a shrine"

You so then walked further into the theater revealing all of the stuff from the Stab movies

"They've got the whole God damn franchise" Mindy said

You and Sam saw the stage that filled with the Ghostface robes but no masks.

You went to the one named 'Roman Bridger' your dad's robe. You stared at it for awhile before Tara pulled you out of your thoughts "Y/n?"

"Hm?" You hummed turning to Tara. "What are you doing?" Tara asked. "I was just.. looking." You paused for a second before continuing

"So, somebody killed these chucklefucks and took over?" Chad asked.

"Someone who believes that Sam and Y/n masterminded Woodsboro." Gale answered.

"If this were a normal Stab movie, this would be the killer's lair." Sam said.

"Which means this isn't a normal Stab movie." Kirby added.

Tara then walked out going into one of the rooms in the theater.

You went to go find Tara, which you did but Sam and her were talking. So you left them alone for now.

You stared at one of the Stab posters. One being Stab 3 where someone played your father.

"Y/n" someone spoke. You turned around and saw Officer Bailey. "Officer Bailey. Did you need something?" You asked

"I think i have a idea on how to turn the tables on the creep" he said.

He explained to you and you agreed. You wanted to kill him. What's the worse that can happen? You already experienced a killing so you know what to do.

You were at a public park, in the truck while the sisters go out and be bait. "So we're really doing the phone tracing thing that never works in the movies. It'll be all, "Keep him talking, Sam. 2 more minutes, I've almost got him." And then he hangs up just before we can get a lock." Mindy said

"I can trace a call in under 15 seconds" Kirby said

"Well, you've got them out there as bait"

"Because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby."

"And you think they're safe because it's broad daylight in a public place?"

"Look, i am here, okay? And so is Bailey."

"This is exactly how our uncle Randy died. Broad daylight. Public place. Yanked into a van. Stab, Stab, Stab. No more Randy."

Anika laid her head on your shoulder being bored.

"Hey, Sam? Stay frosty out there, okay?" Kirby said through the ear piece.

A few moments later. The call was made and was tracked. "He's on the upper west side. He's inside an apartment building, half way through the city." Kirby said

"How did you know that?" Kirby asked one of the girls. You looked at Kirby's laptop showing his location "Gale" you said.

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