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"Don't trust anyone, remember? We don't know you. Not really."

"You know me."

"You're not Woodsboro. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's okay, I get it. Be safe okay?" Danny then kissed Sam's cheek "Okay?"He said one more time

"You, too." Sam then walked away walked away and went to the theater with everyone except Danny.

"I cleared the whole place before you got here." Kirby said "So, this is the only way in or out. He steps in through the first door, both doors lock automatically, trapping him inside. We turn it into a kill box."

"Weapons?" Sam asked

"One gun, and i hold onto it. I am the only one with a badge here and that's the way it's gonna be. We're safe here"

"Sorry, did you miss the part where. Ghostface is coming here and all we have is one gun. What if you run out of bullets? What if we got separated? What are we going to do now?" You asked

Kirby kept quiet. "I'm gonna check in with Mindy. See if they're close." Sam said changing the subject.

You were sitting on the stage then heard Sam say something. You looked over and saw her grab her dad's knife that still had blood on it.

You walked over to her and she turned around. "No one's safe." She said "No one's safe." You said while nodding.

You both then heard something catching your attention. "Kirby?" Sam called out.


No response.

You both went down the stage. Suddenly Sam's phone rang making you both jump

Sam then answered and a few seconds later she looked at you. "What?" Sam didn't respond but ran to the exit which was locked. You ran after her as she tried to unlock the door "Kirby's the killer!" Sam said rushing to get the door unlocked

Then the lights went out making everything go black. But, something was playing when a white tarp was pulled down. It was a Stab movie. Stab 1.

You and Sam heard some glass break from the other room where Tara and Chad were. You both rushed in and was met with Tara and Chad making you all scream

"Come on, go, go, go!" Chad said rushing to get out

"It's Kirby. She's the killer." Sam said

"No shit!"

You all ran out the room "Where's Anika?" You asked Chad "I thought she was with you!" He said

"I thought she was with you!" Your said freaking out. Anika then came out with a gun up. "Anika.." you sighed in relief.

Anika put the gun down and hugged you. "She made this theater a kill box. For us." Sam said "who did?" Anika asked

"Kirby." Tara said

"What? No i was with Kirby. She and i got knocked out by him. When i woke up she was still unconscious so i too her gun!" Anika said

"We still need to get out of here." You said

"What about up there? There's an exit door." Tara said pointing up the second floor.

"Maybe it leads to the roof or something?" Tara asked

"There's only one way to find out." Chad said

"Bailey's on the way but-" Sam got cut off when she saw Ghostface. He tried to stab Tara but Tara dodged as well. He tried to stab you all but kept dodging.

Sam accidentally dropped the knife. Ghostface hit the mannequins head causing it to lose it's head "beheadings!" Chad yelled out. Chad tackled Ghostface down giving you all some time to run.

"Go, go, go" you yelled. Chad grabbed the big camera "Smile for the camera motherfucker." He then hit him in the face with it.

"This way! Come on!" Tara said running and you all followed.

Chad threw the camera at Ghostface "get fucked!" He yelled.

You and Chad were throwing things to ghostface's way to slow him down while the 3 girls find a way out.

Ghostface tried to stab Chad but you punched him in the head and Chad pushed him off so the girls hold him off

You pushed him down to the floor and Tara kicked him in the face. "Go!" Chad yelled and grabbed a gumble machine. He tried to throw it to Ghostface who was on the floor but instead got stabbed.

You heard him scream in pain. You turned around and saw him on his knees with two Ghostfaces. "Chad!" You tried to run him. But Sam stopped you. You and Tara. Anika helped Sam hold Tara

Tears were pouring out of yours and Tara's. Seeing your bestfriend get stabbed over and over again.

You got out of Sam's grip and grabbed the cashier register and threw it to one of the Ghostface causing him to fall down.

Sam grabbed you again before you got to attack one of them. "Let me fucking go Sam!" you yelled.

It was no use. Sam and Anika pulled you and Tara out of the room leaving Chad there on the floor.

The other Ghostface came out and was on the stage. While the other was behind you four

You were cornered. Sam saw bricks on the side and gave you each one. "Where's the knife?" You asked Sam. "I dropped it. I didn't get the chance to get it."

"And the gun?" You asked Anika. "I gave it to Chad" you were fucked.

"Ready?"  Sam asked. Tara sobbed in response. "I need you to be ready. Ready?" Sam asked you all

"Come on motherfucker!" Tara yelled. Multiple gunshots were heard. Making the Ghostfaces run away. It was Kirby. "It's okay!" Kirby had blood all over her

She was holding the gun. "Kirby.." you said.

"Kirby stop!" Officer Bailey said. Both of them pointed a gun towards eachother. "Get away from the girls!"

"What are you doing?"

"Did you kill Quinn? Did you kill my daughter?"

"Jesus Christ!"

You were all confused that none of you could react. You were all standing there while the 2 adults point guns at each other.

"Whatever he's been saying to you, don't listen to him. He's probably the killer."

Then Ghostface came from our of ni where who was about to attack Officer Bailey but Bailey shot Kirby instead.

Ghostface then stopped and was behind Bailey. The other one came from behind Officer Bailey.

"Good job. Both of you"


"Yeah, of course me. Frankly i expected more from the you 3 after what you did to us.".

"What do you mean us?" Tara asked

One Ghostface then took off his mask to reveal Ethan.


"Ethan..?" You said

"Mindy was right. It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean, all i had to do to meet you, was room with a conceited, condescending alpha literally named Chad. Fuck it felt good to kill him!" Ethan said

"This was your grandmother's, Sam. Nancy Loomis?" Ethan said pointing this knife at the mask

"Really runs in your fucking family, doesn't it?"

"Speaking of family..."

"Wait for it."

"My name's not Ethan Landry! Is it, Dad?"


"Wait. If it's you two, that just leaves.. Mindy?" Sam asked. You didn't want to believe that your bestfriend was Ghostface. She would never kill her brother.

The other Ghostface then took the Mask off revealing Quinn..

"Hey, roomies.."

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