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You all meet up outside of Gales apartment. Everyone was quiet. You were all just sitting there.

Just then Sam's boyfriend Danny come rushing in panting "Hey. I got here as fast as i could."

"Did you?" Tara asked. You intertwined your hand with Tara's

"I'm scared, you guys" Sam said

"I really don't want to get hurt again" Mindy added."

"Neither do i." Chad spoke aswell

"I don't want you getting hurt again, either." Mindy said to Chad

"I know. I know." Chad said as he rests his head on Mindy's shoulder. So did Anika.

Tara then rested hers on your shoulder. You gently rubbed your thumb against Tara's hand you were still holding.

"So what do we do now?" Chad asked.

"Maybe he gets to win this time." Sam said. Making everyone look up at her.

"He wants to punish me. Me." Sam said standing up. "So maybe i let him. I'll just give myself up. If this is what i have to do to keep you safe, it's worth it."

"No, we're not doing that, Sam. You went back to Woodsboro to protect me. Every single day, you make the decision to protect me. None of us would even be alive if it weren't for you. You have to let us protect you this time." Tara said

Sam shaked her head no "No."

"Yes. We're a team remember?"

"Actually, we're a family." Mindy added

"Let's go! Core 4! Come on." Chad said and they all put their hands together
"Core what?" Danny asked but agreeing

"It's an us thing." Chad said.

"He's gonna keep coming after us."

"Isn't there somewhere safe we could just hole up in?" Ethan asked

"No, he's gonna keep finding us."

"We could use that, though."

You all got to the train station, and got in the train but Mindy got separated with Ethan.

"Wait, hey, hey! Chad!" Mindy called out "Y/n!" She got your attention but you were already inside so you tried to get to her but people pushing you back

"Hey! Fuck! Chad!" Mindy yelled

"Mindy!" You called out trying to reach Mindy

"Mindy!" Chad called out too trying to reach her too but Danny pulled you both away from the door. Then the door closed.

"Shit! Mindy!" You yelled as the door closed.

"Where's Mindy?" Sam asked "She missed the train." Chad answered.

"We were going to wait for her, but Cute Boy here dragged us on" you added

"Trying to keep us together." Danny said

"By pulling us apart?" Tara asked

"It's okay. It's okay. It's fine. She's with Ethan. She'll meet us there" Chad said looking at his phone

"Not before Ethan could butcher her." You said in an annoyed tone.

Chad looked up at the crowd of people and mumbled "Oh, shit." Causing you all to follow his eyes and see people dressed as Ghostface

"How many stops do we have?" Tara asked

"10" Sam answered. Tara looked at you and you noticed. You placed your arm around your waist and pulled her

Through the stops, more and more people got off. "This is 72nd stop"

Sam saw someone dressed up as Ghostface come towards her "Guys?" Sam said backing up a bit.

Danny reacted and blocked her but the guy in the costume got off.

You decided to text Mindy but the text didn't come through. "Anything from Mindy?" You asked Chad. He shaked his head no. You looked over at Anika who looked worried.

"Anika." You called out pulling her out of her thoughts. "Huh?" Anika said looking up at you.

"You okay?" You asked and she nodded. You guys then got to the theater where Kirby was waiting.

"Hey. I talked to Bailey. I've got everything set up." Kirby said.

"Where are Mindy and Ethan?" She asked "they're 5 minutes behind us" Tara answered.

"Let's get you all inside."Kirby said leading the way but Sam turned to Danny and said "Not you."

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