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"Holy shit. Quinn!" You said rushing to get to her room but Mindy pulled you back

You were all standing infront of her door then suddenly Quinn's body was pushed out all bloody onto you making you fall to the ground. "Fuck!" You yelled seeing Ghostface come out Quinns room.

You pushed Quinn off you. Sam, Anika and Mindy were still shock and no sight of Tara and Chad which means they probably got out. You stood up but Ghostface slashed Mindy's shoulder.

You try to fight punch him but he ended up slashing your leg "mother fucker!" You yelled out. Ghostface pushed you to the ground and tried to go to Mindy

"Stay the fuck back!" You heard Anika yell but she was choked by him. You got up and punched him in the head really hard also making your hand hurt

Ghostface pinned you to the ground and tried to stab you but Anika  kicked him off you making his knife go to the other side of the room.

Just as you were about to get his knife he grabbed your foot making you fall down. You tried to kick him off but he had a extra knife and he slashed your leg a little bit. You yelled out in pain.

Anika got to him but he was fast enough to choke her and pin her to the wall then stabbed her stomach but didn't have much time to stab her again

Just as you got up you saw Sam hit him with the knife holder making him lose his balance

You got up and limped to the room helping Anika up. Sam closed the door locking it.

You, Mindy and Anika tried to apply pressure on your own wounds. You realized the bathroom door was open and you went to go lock but Ghostface was there

You tried to close it in time but he got to it too. You both fought over trying to close it and open it. "Sam. Cabinet" you said trying to push the door

Anika was trying to apply pressure into her stab wound but struggling to because he stabbed her deep

Some guy was in the other building and pulled out a ladder. Sam placed the ladder between the windows on his dorm to ours.

"You have to come one at a time." The guy said.

"You three go first. Y/n!" Sam said

"No, someone needs to hold the door, let Anika go first!"

You three yelled for anika to go first and she did not wanting to waste anymore time.

She got to his room and Mindy went next, then Sam. Then you were left last.

You crawled on the ladder feeling it shake everyone was yelling for you"Fuck!" You yelled.

Everyone's yelling went quiet "what?" You asked "Y/n you have to go now, hurry the fuck up!" Mindy said with tears in her eyes

Tried to crawl faster but the pain on your legs was getting worse. You were inches away from the window

You felt the ladder shake up and down then left and right. He was trying to make you fall

You grabbed on the to ladder trying so hard to go faster but Ghostface tipped the ladder making you fall...

I decided to change some things I've this story. For example Anika surviving the dorm attack. That's all i changed.

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