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Mindy texted you all too come me up at our spot.

The three of you got there seeing Mindy, Chad, Quinn, Anika and Ethan already there.

You three got there and sat down. You sat down next to Chad who was holding a notebook.

You took the pen from his hand and went to the next page drawing a tic tac toe board

"One game" Chad mouthed and you two start to play. You won. "Okay, nerds, listen up!" Mindy said getting the groups attention.

"As terrifying as this all is, I'm actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not.. calling the killers last time."

"Okay. The way i see it, someone is out to make a sequel to the requel."

"Um, what's a requel?" Anika asked

"You're beautiful, sweetie. But let's hold questions to the end"

"Stab 1 took place in Woodsboro.
Stab 2 took place in college." Sam said

"So we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?" Tara asked

"That is one possibility." Mindy answered. "Heroes now in college: check. Suspicious new characters brought in to round out the suspect and/or body count: Check, check, and check." Mindy listed off

"I don't like this" Ethan said

"But it can't just be about Stab 2."

"Why not?"

"It would make sense if this were just a sequel. But we're not in a sequel, because nobody just makes sequels anymore." Mindy stopped waiting for an answer.

"We're in a franchise! And there are certain rules to a continuing franchise."

"I had a feeling" Sam muttered

"Rule 1: Everything is bigger than last time. Bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count, longer chases, shoot-outs, beheadings. You got to top what came before to keep people from coming back."

"Beheadings?" Chad asked


"Rule 2: Whatever happened last time, expect the opposite. Franchises only survive by subverting expectations. If the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with letterbox accounts instead of personalities, you can bet the opposite will be true here."

"And rule 3: no one is safe. Legacy characters? Cannon fodder at this point. Usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap big nostalgia. It's not looking too good for Gale and Kirby. Oh, and that's not even the worse part!"

"This is the part where she tells us the worst part."

"There's worse?" You asked.

"Yes, and the worse part is franchises are just continuing episode installments designed to boost an IP. Which means main characters are completely expandable now, too. Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, Ellen Ripley, Sally Hardesty, Jigsaw, Tony Stark, James Bond, I mean even Luke Skywalker all died so their franchises could live on. That means it's not just the friend group. Any of us could go at any time, Especially Sam and Tara."

"Wait, any of us?" Ethan asked


"Does- Am i in the friend group?"


"Am I, like, one of the targets?"


"Am i gonna die a virgin?" Everyone looked at Ethan with weird faces

"I'm sure i'm not" you said looking at Tara with a slight smirk making the others laugh

"That was a weird overshare Ethan. But it brings us to our current suspects: Ethan. The shy dorky guy who no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky." Mindy not listing the suspects.

"Why am I on the suspect list? Because I'm randomly Chad's roommate?"

"Roommate lotteries can be juked. You could've fixed it to get close to us." Mindy then moved on

"Quinn. The slutty roommate. A horror movie.. classic"

"Sex positive but thank you?"

"Mhm. Um, how did you come to live with Y/n, Sam, and Tara?"

"I answered their ad online."

"Okay, say no more. You've already implicated yourself enough."

"It was an anonymous ad, Mindy. And you know we vetted her. Plus her dad is a cop." Tara defended.

"And that makes it more likely that she's the killer, because having a cop dad is a great cover. Do you not remember how this movie work, Tara?"

"I actually agree with Mindy on this one. Sorry Quinn." You said to her

"It's fine, and it's she always like this?" Quinn asked.

"And finally.. Anika." Anika blew Mindy a kiss and Mindy took it.

"Never trust the love interest." Mindy's smile faded, so did Anika's.

"Okay! So, we have our rules and we have our suspects."Sam said

"Wait. What about you guys?" Ethan asked

"I mean, I think it's pretty safe to rule out the 4 of us who went through this last year in Woodsboro." Mindy said making the 4 of you agree.

"Agreed" you and Chad say in union making both of you high five.

"Um, not agreed. What if the trauma you all went through caused one or more of you to snap?" Quinn said

"Yeah, or the game you got from the killings made you thirsty for more. I mean, let's be honest here, some of the rumors online about Sam and Y/n are- Don't you fucking dare" Tara cut Ethan off

"Okay, she's right, though. I mean face facts if we're all suspects, you're all suspects." Anika said.

Eventually it got dark and you went back to the dorms. Sam insisted on the twins to stay at your guys dorm

You, Chad, Tara and Mindy. You were such Mindy playing tic tac toe on your old notebook and you and Mindy tied.

Few moments later Tara and Chad started to talk about getting out the city because of what happened to Chad

"I won!" Mindy cheered making the two jump, while you you sit defeated.
You then handed Mindy 20 bucks for the bet you two made. There are 10 rounds, 1 round has 1 point every win, and whoever gets the most points win 20 bucks from the losers

"You two are literally idiots" Chad said making the two of you laugh "I'm going to watch TV because i just lost my money" you said getting up and sat next to Anika who was reading

Few minutes and Mindy, Tara, Chad and Sam started to talk. Just then something in the news came on

"Hey guys?" You called out getting their attention. The news was on and Sam was the "prime suspect"

"We're hearing from sources inside the homicide division that the prime suspect it's none other than Samantha Carpenter and Y/n Bridger, two of the survivors of the Woodsboro killings in 2022, seen here attacking a woman in the street last night." They then showed the same video Officer Bailey showed us.

"In the wake of the Woodsboro tragedy last year, rumors spread online that Carpenter and Bridger was actually responsible for the killings, blaming the crimes in Samantha's boyfriend, Richie Kirsch and teen Amber-" Sam then turned the TV off having enough. Sam then went to the dining room and sat, thinking.

The three go and comfort her while you sat there looking at the TV remembering all the memories in Woodsboro.

You then felt a hand on your back rubbing. You turned around and saw Anika trying to comfort you. "Thank you, Anika." You smiled.

You ask them heard something coming from Quinn's room thinking her and her gentlemen caller are back at it again.

You all then got a text and saw Quinn with Ghostface being stabbed...

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