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3rd person pov:

Bailey gained his consciousness and was met with the room a little more darker than it was. Sam, Tara and Y/n were no where to be seen.

Bailey got his gun out and got up. Walking towards the stage but was cut off by a ring from his phone.

He looked at the contact reading Sam.

"Hello, Detective Bailey. I've got one question for you." He heard someone with voice changer on. He knew it was Sam.

"Oh, yeah? What's that?" He asked

"What's your favorite scary movie?"

He laughed "favorite scary movie" he repeats as he walked on the stage

"I'm asking because you're in one now. You're in my movie."

He walked in where the Ghostface mannequins are and shoot two in the head. He looked over at Billy's stand and saw the robe wasn't there.

"Oh. I see you've put on your true face, huh? You're birthright. Poetic that you're gonna die in it."

"This is what you wanted, isn't it?"

Bailey shot one of the mannequins again in the head. "Now you know the truth, huh? Murder's in your blood! Stop fucking around and show yourself!"

"Be careful what you wish for."

"And I'm a fucking police officer. How do you think this is gonna go, Sam? Who do you think they're gonna believe, huh?"

"Probably the one who's still alive." Bailey threw his phone on the ground causing for it to break. Sam appeared behind Bailey and when he turned around she stabbed him over and over again

Sam took off her mask as she was still seeing red. She was about to finish Bailey off before Tara walked in looking at Sam making her stop

"My father was a murderer. No matter what you think. I'm better than that."

Bailey was coughing blood "Thank you. Thank you."

Tara and Sam looked over at eachother. Sam then turned to Bailey again "But you did Fuck with our family, so.." Sam stabbed him in the eye.

"Nice" Tara said

"Thanks. You okay?" Sam asked

Tara scoffed "No." Tara said.

The two of them walked out and say on the edge of the stage. "Where's Y/n?" Sam asked.

"She's.. upstairs." Tara said

"Okay.." Sam nodded

"Thank you for letting me go." Tara said

"I knew you could take care of yourself." Sam said making Tara smile a little bit.

"I want to be in your life, but only as much as you want me to be." Sam said

"I want you to be. I promise you I'm gonna get so much therapy after this." The sisters laughed "I'm serious."

"We're gonna get through this, together."

A scream was heard revealing Ethan who had a knife up and ran to then only to be stopped by a TV getting thrown on his head, killing him.

The sisters look up and see Kirby who pushed the TV. "I saw that in a scary movie once." Kirby said.

The door got open by the police moments later and Danny was there. "Sam. Hey." He said

"I'm going to check on Y/n" Tara said to Kirby. Tara climbed up the ladder and there was Y/n crumbled up into a ball. Hugging her knees with her head down on her arms.

"..babe?" Tara said unsure if she could still use that on her because she hasn't told Tara that she forgives her yet.

Y/n looked up with dried tears on her face. "Hey.." Y/n patted the floor gesturing for Tara to sit next to her.

Tara sat next to Y/n. She looked at Anika's dead body. "How am i going to tell Mindy about Anika and Chad?" Y/n asked

"You will." Tara rubbed her hand on Y/n's back.

"When Chad was getting stabbed.. i felt so helpless. I wanted to help him. I should've helped him. It shouldn't have to be him... It should've been me instead." Y/n said blaming herself.

"Y/n, no. Don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault. It's Richie's" Tara said

"Hey guys? Come on. Let's get out of here." Sam said who was on the staircase.

Y/n, Sam, and Tara followed some on the police outside.

"Hey." Sam spoke. Y/n looked up at her. "Mindy and Gale are going to be okay. She's coming here." Sam said

Y/n nodded. Sam walked to Tara and Kirby. Kirby was on a stretcher. Tara started to cry

"Hey." Kirby said as Tara sobbed.

"It's just Chad." Tara said looking dish with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, we got another one here!" Someone say catching everyone's attention.

Y/n looked over and saw Chad on a stretcher. Y/n rushed over to Chad "Chad, holy shit. Fuck, man don't ever scare me like that." Y/n said with relief.

Tara and Sam rush over aswell "How are you alive?" Sam asked with concern and relief.

Chad lifted his hand up making the Core 4 high five.

"Core fucking 4" Tara said with a smile.

They all hear a voice and saw it was Mindy. "Oh, my god! Are you guys okay?" Mindy said rushing to the group.

"I know who the killer is! It's Ethan and Bailey!" Mindy said

"And Quinn." Tara said.

"And Quinn? Fuck! Did i miss the monologue again?" Mindy asked "Are you okay? Are you okay? You don't look okay."

Chad was brought inside the ambulance and Mindy and Y/n got in leaving Sam and Tara outside

"Oh, my god, we all survived. It's a twist on a twist." Mindy says "They gave me a lot of drugs, by the way. You guys should get some of these drugs."

Y/n realized something making her smile fade away. Y/n hugged Mindy tightly. She hugged back

"Missed me that much?" Mindy joked. Y/n pulled away with tears in her eyes. Mindy saw it was serious and her while faded aswell. "What's wrong? W-Where's Anika?" Mindy asked scanning the area outside.

Y/n shaked her head and a tear escaped. "I'm so sorry, Mindy. I couldn't protect her. She was shot." Y/n said bursting into tears.

Mindy had tears pouring out of her eyes. Y/n hugged Mindy again and Mindy instantly hugged her back tightly. Sobs escaped from Mindy.

The whole ride to the hospital was quiet. Mindy rested her head on Y/n's shoulder and Y/n rested hers on Mindy's head...

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