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Chapter 12

I heard my phone ring. Damn blaring nonsense. I stare at the screen waiting for my eyes to adjust to the bright light. It read 5 am. WTF! Who is calling me at 5 in the fucking morning. TJ. Damn him. I answer in a groggy voice.

"This better be good TJ. Or you will die at the gym today... if I ever make it down there."

"It is."

"Well get on with it."

"Ryder dumped that sorry bitch, Brittany."

"Bitch deserved it, but why?"

"Ryder told her straight up he hated her, she is a bad fuck, and she looks like an ommpa loompa threw up on her."

"Hahaha, Bitch. In her face. But why did you call me?"

"I just thought you might like to know."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" The line went dead.



"Damn him."

I threw my phone on the table and went back to sleep.


Skylar's mom had picked up Kaleb for a playdate/ sleep over so I was in the clear tonight. I told Natalie that Kaleb is at his friends, she was okay with it.

It was now noon. I just ate lunch. I make my way to the shower to freshen up a bit before I hit the gym, since I didn't make it to the shower last night. I would probably chill down at the ring later on if I had nothing else to do. Which was good because I wanted to watch a couple fights and pick up on the way others fight so I can use it against them just incase I have to fight one of them. Its always best to observe your opponent before a fight to pick up on possible weaknesses. 

I jumped out of the shower and threw on my spandex shorts and a sports bra with a sweatshirt. 

*20 minutes later*

I pulled up in Mike's lot.  I wonder who is here today. 

I walk in the gym and see 2 guys. And Mike. The 2 guys were Andrew and Chance. 

"Yo, Boys."

"Hey, Tor." They chimed back. Andrew was on the bags and Chance was on the treadmill. 

"Any one wanna help me stretch?"

Andrew got to me first.

"I will." He said.

I laid down on the mat and gave him my left leg. He leaned forward until my leg was almost touching the floor above my head. He held it for a minute and switched legs. I heard the door open but I paid no attention to it. Until I heard a thunderous voice.

"Get off her!!!!" Ryder yelled.

Almost immediately, Andrew was off of me.

"What the hell, Ryder?"

"I don't want him on you." He glared.

"He was helping me stretch. I guess someone it on their man-period." I mumbled the last part.

He just glared.

"Whatever." I went for the treadmill and put in my headphones. I had Disturbed blasting in my ears. I set the timer for 1 hour at full speed. 

15 minutes into my run someone came up and got on the treadmill next to me. I knew it was Ryder because of that weird tingly feeling I get whenever he is near me. 30 minutes in Andrew left and Mike had to run a few errands. 45 minutes in, Chance left. Ryder and I were alone. I didn't want to be by him for another minute, so I cut my run by 10 minutes. 

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