Digging Up Dirt

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I explained to Ryder my situation with my brother. Although, I conveniently left ou the part about my father. I didn't know what to say about that. So far I haven't heard from him. I would like to keep it that way. I can't get involved with anyone, just in case we have to move again. I love it here but I don't think it would be safe staying here if Father were to find out we were here.

I think Ryder is starting to grow on me. WAIT!! No, no he is not! What are you thinking? You can not afford to think like this. You need to stay away from Ryder. He is bad news. Stick to training. State championships are coming up. I need to qualify for nationals in a few months.

State championships for Michigan are being held here in Detroit. They have the top fighters come together and fight till one is left standing. Its a three day competition and winning prize is $100,000.

 After that is Nationals. Its held in New York, at worlds largest underground fighting club. Each state flies in their top fighter and everyone fights, three rounds per fight, most submissions loses. Knock out is and automatic win against that fighter and you move up. Nationals takes five days and the winning prize is $500,000.

I know that Ryder is trying for top fighter as well as I am. State championships is in three weeks. I need to train hard. 

"Tori. TORI!!!" Ryder yelled. 

"Huh?" I shook my head. I was in deep thought about championships. 

"You should get dressed." He smirked.

"Oh. Uhh, yeah. Good idea." I was completely unaware of my clothing situation. Well, lack of clothing.

I put on my clothes and decided it was time to go home for the night.


~Ryder's POV~

I was at home laying in bed. Doing what? Thinking of Tori. I could have taken her right there. On that bench. In the locker room. But I didn't. Why? I think she is changing me. I think I might be falling in love with her. Hahahaha. Nah. I'm Ryder. I don't fall in love. I can't. I don't think it is humanly possible for me to fall in 'love'. The only people I will ever love are my brothers and my mom. 

My father is not in the picture. He hasn't been since Kellin was born. I'm okay with that. He was an asshole anyway. He still sends mom money for us. He is off living with some blonde 22 year old tramp in Vegas. She looks like a playboy bunny. She is old enough to be my sister. Gross.

I keep thinking about what Tori said about her brother. Where are her parents? Does she have a mom or a dad? Are they dead? Did they hurt her? Suddenly I got angry at the thought of anyone hurting her.

"Jesus Christ. What is this girl doing to me?" I asked myself.

I can't focus on her. I have to start thinking about the Championships. I have to win. My brother is counting on me.

~Tori's POV~

I awoke to my alarm blaring in my ear.

I sat there, thinking about everything I need to get done this week. I was brought out of my day dream when Kaleb ran into my room.

"Sissy, can we have pancakes?"

"Sure, bud. Let me take a shower first. I want you to take one as well."

"Oh. Alright." He pouts and storms off. I giggle.

He is to cute for his own good. He is going to be a little ladies man when he gets older. Oh jeez that is not good.

I take a quick shower and throw on some skinny jeans and a black, V-neck T-shift and let my hair dry in its natural waves.

I am out in the kitchen flipping pancakes in under 25 minutes. Damn, I'm like lightning this morning. Kaleb prances out and sits down on a stool. I place a glass of orange juice, 2 pancakes and the syrup in front of him and he starts digging in.

I heard a nock on the door. Shit. Who could be at my door. I walk over to the door then back at Kaleb. He was still shoveling those pancakes into his mouth. I turn back and slowly open the door. Only to pounce on and tackle, the person at my door, to the ground. 


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