XXI Drag Me to the Grave

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My tears were finally beginning to dry as I walked up the steps to Shlaköv's home.

What had I become?

Dimitri was right I had changed more than I realized. It was too late to turn back though, the changes were set in stone now; the clock was running and soon I would be out of time. I fell against the door frame in a coughing fit until the door swung open to reveal a very panicked looking Davina.

"Neoma? What are you doing back here?" She whispered grabbing my arm as she pulled me inside. Glancing around she pulled me up the stairs to my room. No one else was around for a change, normally servants were always milling about in the hallways downstairs like ants.

"We have to get you packed and out of here, now."

"Why?" I asked knitting my brows in confusion.

She looked at me with disgust clear on her delicate features. "Do you really have to ask?" She shook her head in disbelief, "Neoma, you killed the American Ambassador and his daughter in the middle of an international club! The government wants your head on a stick!"

"You could say I've always known how to make an entrance."

Davina shook her head at me turning her back as we reached my room. I followed her tense form inside.

"Pack. Now." She commanded.

"Why can't I stay here?" I asked confused. Shalköv should have been happy more chaos for him meant it was easier to take over.

Davina averted her eyes from mine not answering my question.

"What are you not telling me?" I grabbed her arm making her look at me.

"Father told the servants to shoot you on sight. He no longer needs you alive, you've served your purpose and more. All he has to do is show your dead body to any government official and they will fall at his feet in debt for stopping the girl who single handedly reignited the Cold War."

"No." I whispered. I knew I would have to leave eventually- soon at that- but this was the only home I had left even if it wasn't much of one.

She nodded. "He's going to hunt you Neoma. They all are: the Americans, Russians, my father, and pretty much any police officer in the world. Congratulations, you've out done your father, even he never made it to the world's most wanted criminal."

I sat on the bed with my head in my hands, already I was the most wanted and they didn't even know what I had done.

"Davina, that's not all I did at the club."

"Are you kidding me?" Her eyes widened as she scoffed, "What else could you possibly have done?"

"I started the end of the world."

She didn't say a word, so I continued.

"There's a virus my uncle created called Finistère and my father found out about it. He wanted to turn it into a weapon, but he was killed by your father before he could. Recently I found my dad's journal and discovered his plan and found my uncle so that I could finish what my father started. Needless to say I did and when I was at the club I set it loose into the crowd through the smoke machine."

I stood up and walked to my closet where I had hidden the journal, shaking my head in awe as I went. "It's amazing Davina, it spreads faster than anything I've ever heard of and kills as fast as a bullet- once you contact it you're already dead."

"Neoma," Davina whispered, her face drained of all color, "what have you done?"

I smiled wryly. "I hit the reset button on the world."

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