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They say that deep down all people are good. I'm not so sure that's true. I think that deep down all people believe they're good, but like so many in life, they are naive. All people aren't good at heart, in fact it's quite the opposite. Selfishness, hate, fear, cruelty, and lies are a part of human nature, something we can't avoid.

Sure, there are those that put up a fair fight to maintain their continually slipping grip on humanity and innocence, but how long before they realize that no matter how hard you struggle to stay above the line between good and evil you're destined to fall. Just like I did.

There was a time when I was the picture perfect little school girl: blonde hair wound tightly into two side braids, a plaid school uniform skirt falling to my knees, surrounded by those I called my friends, and the picture perfect family. I lived like a princess in a story book, everyone loved me.

Children would always pick me first for their teams, teachers always called on me and remarked at my incredible intelligence level, and little girls fought over who would be my best friend.

Everyone always commented on what a little angel I was, and never once did anyone bully me. In way I guess you could say that I ruled the school, and later I found out I literally had whether I'd known it or not.

At home I was the only child of two wonderful and loving parents. My father was constantly absent away on some urgent "business," but my mother was always there to take care of me. She was a small slender woman who could have blown away in the wind at anytime, and I'd never have known. One day she did.

Cancer took the one thing I valued above all else from me and left me with the man who'd been absent most of my life. I didn't know it at the time, but my father had only stayed away because my mother had asked him to, and a few months later I found out why. My father was the head of the Russian Mafia, and he was the only thing I had left.

I eventually grew to love my father,and loved him so fiercely that even a lion would turn and run in fear, but even so I missed my mother. The day she died was the day my life changed forever and I began my decent into darkness.

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