X The Fox and the Hound

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A hinge snapped on the door that held my anger in as I stared at his jeering pierced face. "You're the reason my father is dead?" I growled barely containing the on coming flood.
"Not me personally, I only watched." He paused for a moment as if he was reliving that night, "And it was quite entertaining if I do say so myself."
Memories of the night raced through my mind; all of the blood, my screams piercing the cool evening air as I fled, and the pain- so much pain.
Blonde curls hung in my face like an animal as I stared at him tensing my body to strike.
"We're going to kill you next."
I laughed, bells singing in the air for the first time in what seemed like a millennia.
"Good luck with that."
The dark haired man simply smiled at me, his mouth curling up sinisterly at the edges. It annoyed me far more than it should, I felt my inner demon rise up and take over urging me to attack instead of doing the smart thing and running as fast as I could in the other direction from this predator.
Mirroring him I let my face contort into a slow menacing smile, then I let go of the ledge that kept me from falling into an animalistic state of fury and rushed him like one of the prized American football players. My long nails reached out to rake across his far too perfect face, but they never came close.
His hands encircled both my wrists as he lifted me up in the air letting me dangle like a rag doll. Roaring I swung my lower body at him aiming for his chest. Again though I was left dangling in the air as he let go of one of my wrists watching as my feet missed him by a mile.
"Really is that all you've got?" He chuckled, "I expected much more from the last Casimir."
Struggling against his iron grip I snarled one last time before hanging there in defeat. A wide grin snaked across his face as he reached into his pocket with his free hand and drew out a syringe full of a runny white liquid. My heart beat speed up in response as he brought it closed. Lashing out again I twisted and turned like a uncoiling hose in vain to avoid the approaching needle. The black haired boy jerked his arm stilling my flailing body as he slammed the needle into my neck. As he emptied the syringe's contents into me I twisted around sinking my teeth into his hand. The soft skin of his hand broke as I applied more pressure never letting up, as he cried out shaking me in an attempt to free himself of me like I was a dog.
Syrup seemed to be seeping into my limbs weighing me down as I held on slowly releasing his hand as my body grew too heavy for me to bear. Black spots fluttered on the periphery of my vision as I collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mush. Gasping I climbed to my knees glaring up at the demon before me.
"What did you do to me?" I howled using every once of strength I had to push out the simple words. He didn't answer; he simply smiled.
"Goodbye little Casimir." Were the last words I heard as the weight drug me under and then there was nothing.


I dreamed of him. Of them really, the two figures I'd never been quite able to separate in my mind. Dimitri's green eyes were all I could see calming me in a way that only they could, but like all good things in life they changed. Instead of his kind loving gaze I was faced with the one I had last seen etched in his face as he realized who I was and what I had done- or rather hadn't done.
Dimitri's face changed again, this time morphing into one that had haunted me since the day I had realized who he was. The eyes was still as green as grass in the spring, but there were wrinkles surrounding them and stripes of gray in the long shaggy brown hair, but what bothered me the most was the terror there in those now familiar eyes as the man was struck down by my father.
"He disappointed me." My father said as I watched Dimitri's father die in the snow. The first time I had felt nothing, the first time I had done nothing to aid the passage of a dying man was the time when it had mattered most. And I had done nothing.
Dimitri asked me once how anyone could be so cruel as he told me exactly how his father had died, how he had wept over his lifeless body. He told me about the day he became an orphan, the day he vowed to wipe every Casimir from the face of the earth was the same day I vowed to do anything I could to make up for it. It was the day I realized I could never tell him the truth.
Blinding white light pierced my dream like state and Dimitri's father slowly morphed into another face, one that I knew was really there. The boy from the graveyard stared down at me with bright blue eyes.
"Look who's up." He sneered yanking my arm to jerk me to my feet. "Come on, there's someone who's been waiting a long time to meet you."
With an unyielding steel grip on my arm he pulled me down a beautiful hallway full of the most amazing paintings I'd ever seen.
The brush strokes seemed to breath life onto the canvas as layers of immaculately placed lines and brush strokes sang out to me in every color of the rainbow. Even the wall which they hung on we're oddly too beautiful. The cream walls looked so smooth they appeared to be made of silk. While the walls looked to be made of silk, the carpets decorating the hardwood floors were without a doubt.
The man caught me staring and smiled. "Never seen so much wealth before, have you?"
I simply rolled my eyes refusing to give him any more power over me than he already had.
"To answer the question I know you want to ask, but won't due to your precious 'pride' , yes they are real old masters."
Startled by both his correct assumption of my motives and the old masters on the wall I felt my eyes widen as he slowed his pace in front of a pair of wide oak French doors. The black haired man threw the elaborately carved doors open without a second thought, thrusting me into the room in front of him.
If the hallway outside was the most amazing thing I had ever seen then this room absolutely stole my breath away. An enormous cherry wood desk sat beneath a floor to ceiling window covered by a deep maroon colored curtain with an endless pattern of golden swirls stitched into it. But the single defining characteristic about the room were the two identical human heads mounted on the wall on either side of the desk. Both faces were twisted in horror as their glassy eyes forever stared out vacantly into space warning the room's occupants of the danger contained in it. Faint blood stains hovered around the edges of the neck sealed as it attached to the head to prevent decay and unpleasant odors.
My eyes were so set staring at those of the mounted deceased that I had paid no attention to the chair behind the desk. As soon as my eyes traveled to it the chair spun around to reveal the master of the house- the new head of the Russian Mafia.
The man seated in the chair had the same midnight black hair as his son, the only difference being that his was slicked back with heavy gel, and gray eyes that whispered of his lack of a soul. His lips were what truly confirmed who he was however, after all who could forget the long rigid scar that zigzagged across them?
I snarled as I glared daggers at the man I hadn't seen in years.
"You." I seethed as the man's lips tilted up in a slow snakelike smile.

(Hey guys!! Really hope you're liking it so far! Sorry this was such a short update, but I promise this chapter is an important set up for the next one! So once again please vote, comment and tell me any theories you have, who your favorite character is or was(seeing as there's a ton dead *laughs evilly*) so please do that and SPREAD THE WORD, I'd greatly appreciate it! Love y'all!)

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