Sneak Peeks!

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Fire. There's fire everywhere, incinerating the walls of the small pod I'm in. My eyes clench themselves shut to avoid becoming blind. Then it stops. The silence is deafening compared to the roar of the inferno a moment before leaving me wondering if I'm alive. All of a sudden the bright light gives way to darkness. I can't see, can't hear- but I can still feel the pod, my tiny little space ship falling faster and faster until finally I see light.

My pod crashes through the cloud barrier and for a moment I am sounded by a blanket of swirling white and gray. Then the first streaks of blue appear. It's even more beautiful than the pictures depicted. Creamy waves of pale blue rush at me daring me to open the hatch and leap into the sky's embrace.

Cautiously I rise from my seat and move to the window and see it for the first time. Earth.

Patches of green, brown and gray all blend together and for a moment it looks the Earth from Before. Then my gaze wanders and I see the remains. Charred to a crisp buildings barely stand- and some don't. The buildings still in decent shape are broken, there are more holes in the structure than the material it was constructed from. Those are the lucky ones; others have been reduced to little more than piles of ash that blow through the air. One of the upright houses is on fire burning wildly and I know it's only a matter of time before it joins it's brothers and sisters in the wind.


A silver band sits on my brow as I walk into the ballroom with the thousands of other girls my age. My silver ball gown rustles as I move shimmering with each step. My straight black hair is curled for a change making me feel as if I belong- even though I don't. Even now my eyes scan through the room wondering when I'll be found out.

The crowd smiles at us taking in the waves of purity that we emit. The girls around me beam, they free and they assume I am too. For a second I glance out of one of the nearby windows to catch a glimpse of earth. The other girls don't give our race's past home a second glance, to them it no longer matters today they have been cured, their evil versions sent down to a new version of hell. Their sisters- their twins are gone.

Everyone in my world has a twin, one of us is good and the other evil. The good live here in paradise, the evil are sent back to earth to die. No one here has a trace of evil left in them. Except me. I never had a twin, I was never separated into two perfectly identical individuals of goodness and hate. I shouldn't even exist and according to the government's records, I don't.

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