VI The Cause of Hate

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(Kalie is pictured above.)
"Ahhhgh!" My strangled scream rang out as the bullet tore through my leg as I collapsed to the ground.
"Neoma, you came," Kalie sneered in a mocking high pitched voice as she stood up from where she'd fallen, "Big mistake."
An evil smirk spread across her face turning her previously familiar, and comforting features into those of a venomous snake. She drew back her foot and kicked the wound just below my knee where blood poured out staying the white snow with its betrayal.
"Kalie?" I moaned reaching for my best friend's hand, "why?"
The desperation in my voice surprised even me as the tears came falling in droves just as they had that day so long ago when we'd first met.
"Why Neoma? Why? Do you really have to ask why!" Kalie screamed kicking me again. I cried out again as thousands of nerves lit up with pain.
"You stole her from me! Because of you she's dead! DEAD! My mother is gone and you're Father killed him! You have no idea how long I've searched for the last of you're bloody line, and then I find out that she was beside me all along! You probably watched her die didn't you? You sick little bitch. I'm glad that Dimitri finally chose me over you, frankly I don't know what he saw in your hideous ass." Kalie sneered, pausing to grin at my confused look. "What?" She asked innocently, "wait, did you not know Dimitri was fucking me while he was fucking you?"
I glared at her gathering my strength as I spoke. "We never had sex, I wasn't his bitch like you obviously are."
My friend's betrayal hurt worse than anything I could ever imagine, it felt like what remained of my heart froze, then shattered into millions of pieces so tiny they could never be put together again.
"And the time has come for you're pathetic little existence to end." Kalie cooed motioning to someone in the shadows to come forward. "End her."
The words were void of emotion, no there was something behind it, but the feelings were so dark that even the pits of hell were loath to compare.
"Kalie, no yo-you can't it's not who you are." I begged.
"I said END HER!" Kalie screamed and a man stepped out of the shadows. Zachariah.
"I would love to, but you two were doing so well I'd love to see it continue." He said with a devilish smile.
"No. We had a deal I find her and draw her out then you kill her."
"Ah, but plans change," Zachariah replied coolly aiming his gun at her, "I'd much rather be entertained further, and I happen to know exactly the way to do it." He threw her a hunting knife and continued. "It'd would be much more fun to watch the two of you fight to the death," he pulled back the hammer of his gun and snarled baring hideous sharpened teeth, "Now fight."
"No." I said rising to my feet ignoring the screams of agony coursing through my body.
"Oh and why not?"
"This is insane, and there's the small fact that you only gave one of us a knife."
"I'll admit, my perspective may be a little biased, but then I think it's obvious who I want to win."
"Enough talk." Kalie growled causing my head to jerk back to her. I only had a split second before she run at me arm outstretched with the knife clutched tightly in her hand.
Stumbling backwards I narrowly avoided her knife, managing to push her into a snow bank by the dumpster. Fury burned in her eyes as she got back up and charged at me again. This time I was ready. As she ran I stepped to the side letting her whiz by, allowing me to grab her arm and yank her backwards slamming her into the ground. While she was down I bent down- more along the lines of collapsed- and grabbed the gleaming metal knife. As soon as my fingers made contact her eyes sprang open and she half jumped flinging herself on top of me trying to bring the blade down across my throat. Jerking my neck to evade her I switched out positions, leaving me on top as I fought for control of the weapon. Back and forth we went tumbling from one side of the alley to the next, the blade passing between us in a deadly game of hot potato. My leg was on fire and I didn't know how much longer I could go on. Currently the knife was enclosed in my fingers in a deathlike grip, but soon Kalie would wrench it from me and end this game once and for all. Leaving me to wonder how much longer it would take for me to meet my Mother and Father in the sky.
Kalie's muscles tensed as she prepared to make a final grab for the knife. I was on top and had the knife raised when I noticed how close we were to the large metal garbage bin; in fact Kalie's head was almost right over one if the metal feet.
I raised the knife higher over my head as if I was going to stab her, causing Kalie to raise her head like she was doing a crunch when I swung the knife down, watching as her head flew backwards slamming into the metal behind it. Her eyelids drooped, then closed all together and she lay still as her arms fell back to the earth. She looked so peaceful, I drank in one last look at her then climbed to my knees that were on either side of her abdomen.
"I'm sorry." I whispered to her and then buried the knife in her chest.

(Wow! I have to say I loved that little twist(as sick as it is) well anyways sorry for the shirt update, but I had to fix that cliffhanger.... And leave you with another one sort of! So pleas vote and love yall! Spread the word!!!!!!)

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