Chapter #2| Alessio twins

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A/N: I don't speak Italian so I'm on an expert on this language, I'm simply using google translate so if I write any words wrong then feel free to correct me if you speak Italian.


Today's the day where Alessio twins will arrive in Hell's Gate prison, I'm not gonna lie I'm eager to know what these twins look like. The world feared them, hell all guards are scared sh*tless.

"Yo! twink, what's going on today?" asked Jonny who is a prisoner. I glared at him to shut the hell up.

"None of your business" I replied. His evil glare didn't bother me, I bet I've made enemies with nearly whole prison but I don't give a damn. I observe each block where one or five guards will be assigned in that block. James called for a meeting with all employees, he explained what will happen today and that I'll be assigned in Block A. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, maybe I am but Block A is known for holding dangerous criminals. This prison is older than James and my father, god knows who's been in there or died in there.

"Xander bus arrived" said Jason

"Alright continue the patrol for me" I replied. He nods and continue what I've been doing earlier. No one stood outside of the Hell's Gates entrance, with wires everywhere and camera's in every corner the prison means business. The small bus comes to stop, the windows tinted as the bus door opened. Two officers step out and waited on each side for the group to come out. One by one they stepped out, their heads remained down accept two men, the Alessio twins. I stood frozen unable to look away, these twins are handsome as f*ck, I kept staring until their gaze meets mine.

The twins smirked as they both lick their lips, my gaze follow their tip of their tongue as they lick across their lip. Heat shoot to my core, I don't understand what's going on.

"Get a move on" said one officer. Suddenly the three men lifted their heads and I swear I nearly fainted, they're gorgeous. The three men smirked, they had the same reaction as the twins. My body couldn't move, their gaze captivate me and these bastard know it.

"Officer Xander, I'll leave these men in your care" said the other officer, I nodded in response as I signed a few papers and soon the two guards left, leaving me alone with the group.

"I want you's to walk in a straight line" I ordered. I grab my key card then the handsome men looked at me like I've punched them.

"Did I stutter? I gave you an order and I expect you's to comply" I hissed. The Alessio twins eyes darken as they glared at me, the handsome twins stepped forward trying to show me who's boss, I couldn't help but giggle.

"Do you know who we are?" asked one twin. I shiver hearing their deep husky voice, their accent can send me over the edge.

"I do actually and I don't care, you're in my playground. This is Hell's Gates prison, I am the boss here so don't test my tempter" I growled.

"You asking for a death wish twink" the other twin hissed. I laughed.

"Maybe I am but does it look like I give a sh*t. I am the boss here, everyone in this prison knows who I am, they know not to disobey. Trust me no one gives a damn what we do with the prisoners and keep note, this prison have an old torture chamber, don't make me use it you f*cker" I said

I pulled out my hand gun tight in my palm, I ordered the group to move. They weren't pleased with my response and I don't give a flying f*ck. I lead them down the court yard, suddenly everyone froze watching the new group arrive. I walk past every block until we arrive at our destination, Block A.

"This is your new home boys" I said. I opened the thick metal gates as one by one they went inside. I release then as they rub their wrist, the group looked around their small block, there's two cells with bunk beds and the other with bunk beds and a single.

"To think this twink is guarding us" someone joked.

"Looks can be deceiving asshole now tell me your names" I said

"My name is Luca and my brother name is Matteo. Those three are Antonio, Vettorio and Abele" Luca replied. He pointed who's who, I remained standing next to the gate with my handgun in my hands.

"Why so shy bello? (beautiful)" asked Matteo.

"Back off" I hissed. I pointed the gun at Matteo, he seemed to not be bothered with a gun pointed at his chest. He kept walking forward until he slap the gun out of my hands, no one made and attempt to go grab it. Matteo pinned me against the door, my breath hitched, I remember putting a taser gun in my back pocket.

"You think you can boss us around amare (love)" Matteo whispered. I reach behind my back towards my back pocket until a hand grip my wrist. Matteo shook his head until he grip my hair and pulled my head back making me hiss in pain.

"We're the boss here, I did not like that attitude of yours. Don't make me punish you bambino (baby)" Matteo whispered. I whimper sightly feeling him bite down onto my bottom lip and soon he moved away smirking. How dare he do this to me, I glared at the group until I stomped out of the block looking like an idiot.

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