Chapter #12| Seconds

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A/N: Sorry short chapter, I've been so busy guys and I just have enough time to write this chapter.


Warning sexual content!

I watched our baby lay on the bed totally exhausted with cum all over his body and hair, I couldn't help but smirk remembering just moments ago we were f*cking like crazy. The first taste we've got and we were addicted, our hands didn't left his body and he seemed to enjoy it. My c*ck still twitch by just remembering his tight rings squeezing my base so tight it made me cum instantly.

I had a shower and changed then went to helped the others make something to eat, we felt bad keeping Xander prisoned inside the house but it's for his own safety. We couldn't risk Dante finding us, I have a feeling it won't be to long to know our location but right now we our keeping ourselves out of sight. After preparing our meals, Matteo put Xander's food inside the fridge for him until he wakes up, I sat down in the living room with the others watching some television.

"Where's my food?" asked Fernando

"Didn't make you any" Matteo replied. He growled at Fernando to move out of the way as he watched the state of origin second half match.

"Rude" he mumbled. Luca rolled his eyes then continues eating.

"What you got for us?" I asked. Breaking this odd awkward silence.

"Dante hadn't made his move yet which wasn't a surprise and James is hiring private investigators to track us down. The bastard is to worried about his reputation and position in the prison then us escaping, he's more afraid of the media finding out about our escape to put his reputation at risk" Fernando replied

"Lets face it that old sh*t hole ain't secure as he make it to be" said Antonio. Matteo chuckled nodding in agreement.

"Where's Xander" Fernando asked. Matteo smirked.

"He's asleep" I replied

"Really? at this time" he replied then drink his bottle of water.

"We f*cked him good I guess" Matteo muttered. Fernando spit out the water making us all laugh at his reaction.

"Didn't asked for details Matteo" Fernando said. I placed my plate in the sink and decide to check on Xander while Matteo keeps explaining the positions he f*cked Xander making Fernando cringe. I slowly open his bedroom door revealing his naked form on the bed, he kicked off the blankets showing his bared ass. I wanted to wake him up since he sleep nearly all day, it's late afternoon which it's time to wake him up. I slowly creep behind him and sink to my knees, I gently parted his ass cheeks making him moan in his sleep.

His hole was still swollen and slightly red, my thumb touched his rings making his entrance twitch, I slowly thrust my index finger inside his ass making cum slowly leak out of his hole and onto my palm. Xander moaned and wiggle his ass but he remained asleep, I growled wanting him to wake up so I pulled my finger out and replace it with my tongue.

I licked his hole tasting our cum on his entrance, Xander moaned shoving his ass further onto my mouth. I smiled as his turned around facing me rubbing his tired eyes, I thrust the tip of my tongue inside his ass making him moan louder.

"Ah! Abele!" Xander moaned. Xander grip the sheets giving him his full attention, I continue licking f*cking him with my tongue.

"S-Stop I-I'm going to cum!" he whimpered. I thrust my tongue in and out until Xander let out a loud cry cum onto the sheets. I felt my twitch against my short, I flip Xander over spreading his legs wide open revealing his already erected c*ck.

"I want to f*ck you again" I said

"No! I'm still sore" he replied. I chuckled.

"Don't lie baby, you loved it when Matteo slapped your ass hard, admit it baby you love pain" I tease. Xander shook his head denying what I say so I slapped his dick making him moan. Just looking at his sexy self puts me over the edge, now I'm desperate to be inside of him like I'm a horny teenager all over again. I didn't bother putting a condom on so I lubricate myself and him then soon I thrust my c*ck deep inside his twitching channels.

Xander threw his head back screaming as I pounded into him, I loved it when he tightens around me. His head thrash side to side as his c*ck leaded pre-cum. None of us seemed to mind who f*cks Xander because either way we'll get our way with him soon enough.

"Oh god!" he moaned. His nails dig into my skin as he screamed his release, cum squirt all over his chest and I followed not far behind squirting my seed inside of him. I laid beside him trying to catch my breathe, the orgasm was violent this time.

"My hole is so sore" said Xander

"I'll help you shower" I replied. Xander nods and groans in pain as he tried to stand, I chuckled carrying him to the bathroom. I showered with him holding him up right, I couldn't resist but kissing his lips again.  Once we both changed we head towards the living room and already everyone was smirking at us.

"How's your hole baby?" asked Luca. Xander blushed making Luca chuckle.

"Sore" he mumbled

"I bet it is now, by the sound of it Abele f*cked you damn good baby, wished I could see his fat c*ck thrusting inside your ass but I was to busy eating" said Vettorio

"Come here and let me see your hole" Matteo ordered. Xander blushed as he stepped around us then standing in front of Matteo. Matteo ordered Xander to kneel down bending over the coffee table, he pulled his pants down then parted his ass cheeks.

"Hmmm ... it's swollen, give it a day or two to heal" said Matteo. Xander pulled his pants up as Antonio bring his food. He sat his small self in between Matteo and Luca, I chuckled watching Fernando sitting uncomfortably.

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