Chapter #17| Desperation

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"What do you mean we can't get in!" yelled Xander

"I'm sorry sir but he's currently in surgery, I'm not sure when it'll be finish so please be patient" said the nurse over ten times.

"I don't give a damn! my man is in there, I need to hear his voice" Xander cried.

"Sir you're disturbing others please remain in the waiting room" said the nurse. Xander's hand grip my shirt, I walked him back to the group as we all waiting impatiently for the doctors to come and tell us the news. Matteo was already waiting with his shirt covered in blood, they treated our wounds but no one couldn't answer our questions about Luca.

"Baby please calm down, he'll pull through" I whispered to him. I wipe the tear rolling down his cheek, Xander hand remain on his pregnant stomach. With all this stress is putting a number on him, he looked exhausted and we haven't ate for well over an hour. Ten minutes later Vettorio and Antonio returned with some food, Xander refuse to eat but we all had to force food down his throat.

"How did they know our location?" I asked Fernando.

"He's Dante for f*ck sake he already knew about this place from the beginning, the bastard just loves to taunt us. A black van was following me, I tried my best to get away but it was to late, his men beaten me but after that they simply left leaving me bloodied and bruised" Fernando replied

"The police are investigating further, there's nothing I can do to stop them. They questioned me before I came here and of course I didn't give them the full story" he said

"Any news on James?" asked Matteo.

"Nothing yet but the explosion already hit media, be ready to be on channel nine news" he replied

"We need to do something, we can't keep running away" I growled. I looked at Xander as he cried himself to sleep, he didn't even finish his meal. His head lead against my arm, I gently laid his head onto my lap to make him more comfortable.

"Don't you think we know that Abele, I want his blood just as much as you do. My own f*cking father nearly killed my twin, we're his f*cking sons for goodness sake. He doesn't give a sh*t about his own sons, we need to think smarter than him" said Matteo

"It's time for us to move to Italy, I'm not sitting here waiting for him to make his next move" said Vettorio

"Xander is pregnant, he'll use him against us, I don't want to take him there" said Antonio

"He's not safe here either, we all aren't" Matteo growled. Hours went by and no news about Luca, I could barely keep my eyes open. Matteo drank lots of coffee to keep himself awake but he to is struggling as well.

"Family of Luca Alessio" said the doctor. My eyes flew open as well as the others, Xander stood first as he rushed towards the doctor.

"How is he?" Xander asked

"He barely made it through, Mr. Alessio lost a lot of blood with the kind of injuries he has, he shouldn't be alive. Mr. Alessio is a lucky man to be alive, he's currently in a coma and only time will tell until he awakens" said the doctor


"C-Can we see him?" I asked the doctor

"He's in room 26, just go down the hall then turn right" he said. I nodded and instantly dashed towards his room, the others followed behind. I opened the door revealing Luca's injured self, I let out a sob as my hand covered my mouth. He had a breathing tube and bandage around his head, he looked really bad.

"L-Luca" I cried touching his cold hand.

"W-Wake him up" I cried to Vettorio. Beeping sounds filled the silent room, Luca couldn't breathe on his own, I continue crying looking at his injured self. Why would anyone do such a thing, Luca is a good man, he doesn't deserve this.

"Doctor says he's in a coma but he can still hear us just not able to respond" said Abele

"L-Luca, wake up baby we all miss you, p-please" I whimpered. The next few days was torture, Luca didn't respond to any of our pleas, he remained in his coma. We visited him everyday praying he'll wake up and take us out of our misery. The others was worried about me since I stopped eating, I felt dead inside seeing Luca like this, if any of my men end up in Luca's position I'll react the same. I finally realise how much Luca means to me, how much they all mean to me. I felt so afraid, he looked dead when I saw that scene.

Matteo demanded me to eat, always tells me to eat more for the sake of our children and for Luca. Nurses continue to run tests on Luca, checking his injuries and I am happy he's slowly healing. I walked out of the bathroom after finishing doing my business, I washed my hands when I heard the hospital bathroom door open, as I dried my hands I felt someone grip my hair pulling my head back, I cried in pain feeling my whole body tremble in fear.

"L-Let go" I whimpered in fear. I saw a man wearing a mask making it hard to see who this person is, I tried to struggle out of his grip. I tried to scream but his hand covered my breathing preventing any sounds coming out.

"I have a message from Dante" the man says. I gasped, D-Dante!

"Always fear me, I am coming for you very soon" he whispered. He let go of my hair then simply walked out of the bathroom like nothing happened. I slide on the bathroom floor trying to catch my breathe, my shaky hands covered my mouth to prevent sobs coming out.

I am afraid.

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