Chapter #6| Abele's past

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I can still hear her screams, I can still hear her cries whimpering in pain as they tortured her. I remember pulled against my chained hands beginning them to kill me instead of her. My daughter crying my name as that bastard sadistically enjoy her pain. I remembering hearing the gun shot, blood splattered all over me until I was left with nothing but silence.

I woke up covered in sweat, I groaned rubbing my eyes as I look out of our cell. It's still dark outside, I looked over seeing Antonio still asleep, I sighed. I laid on my bed in silence as I hear my close friends soft snores, I bite down onto my bottom lip to stop myself from crying. Cry is for the weak as my father told me but what does that bastard know about weakness. I could never forget my daughters killer, his name is Dante the twins father. Soon enough I close my eyes and remember that nightmare once again until someone gently woke me up.

"It's just a dream Abele" said Vettorio. I nodded and gasp for air, I held him tight until I'm in my right state of mind. Vettorio was there when he witness my baby girl's death, he wanted to kill Dante just like I do. Dante was a heartless dangerous man, he even left the twins and their mother to suffer alone, Dante didn't care. All he wanted was power and he'll do anything to get what he wants, Vettorio and I grew up in a small town. Both raised with abusive parents and both learned from out stupid mistakes we became attached until I've met Luca. Luca was raped to the point where he killed a man, I couldn't leave him like that and soon he and Metteo  we become close like brothers. 

"I want revenge" I said to Vettorio

"I know Abele we all do, Dante is good as dead" he replied. Soon Antonio woke up and sat by my side, he held my hand in silent until I was ready to leave the cell. 

"You alright?" asked Luca

"Had a rough night" I muttered. Before Luca could response we heard the gates open as Fernando walked in with our breakfast, we all waited for our feisty kitten to walk behind him but a minute went by there was no sign of Xander in sight. 

"Where's Xander?" asked Matteo

"Warden ordered him to stay home, he's sick" Fernando replied. I looked at my friends in worry, is he okay we all wondered. We all sat around the metal table as Fernando placed our meals in front of us, we waited until he tells us what he's found. Fernando is our spy on the outside world, he does his job good and being an uncover guard in Hell's Gates can be a risk but Fernando cannot turn us down. 

"What did you find?" I asked

"Dante is on the move, I got word he left Italy urgently and bought a one way ticket to the US" Fernando

"He's here!?" said Luca

"Do you know why he left?" asked Matteo

"Nothing yet but my men and I are working on it" Fernando replied. I slam my fist onto the table spilling my food all over and startling everyone, what is Dante up to? I got up and walk towards my cell until Vettorio followed behind me. 

"What was that?" he asked

"I'm sorry but I'm pissed off, what is he up to" I replied

"Fernando is working on it but right now we can't do anything" he said. I pulled Abby my daughter picture out of my pocket and looked at her beautiful smile. She looked so much like her mother, the b*tch could careless whether is alive or dead as she killed herself from a drug overdose. 

"We'll get revenge I promise you" said Vettorio

X A N D E R 

I cough as I made my lemon tea, I know I should eat but with this sickness I just don't feel like eating in general. I laid on the couch with a warm blanket watching Orange is the new black, as I made myself comfortable I suddenly heard someone banging on my door. I frown and pause the show as I stood and walk towards my door. 

"I'm coming!" I shouted in annoyance. 

"What!" I hissed. I gasped as I see beautiful women before me, she sat tattoos all over one arm and a lip piercing, she looked badass. I looked are in confusion, I never seen this girl in my life so why is there a random women at my front door. 

"Woah, they were right you are sexy" she said

"Wait what? who the hell are you and who are you referring to?" I asked

"You silly, your sexy and my cousins do have great taste" she said. I frown again, I have no idea what she's talking about.

"Listen lady I don't know you and I feel uncomfortable a random women calling me sexy so please leave me alone" I said. I was about to slam the door shut until she pushed it open, I gasped in surprise as she walked inside my apartment. 

"Nice place" she said. She went through my fridge to make something to eat, who the hell is this person and why is she eating my food!?

"Who are you?" I asked in annoyance

"Oh where are my manners, my name is Lilly and my cousins are the ones in block A" she replied. I looked at her in shock, she said what?!

"Your cousins are those beast who likes to harass me" I hissed, she chuckled then nods, she had that same sadist smirk as they do.  

"Okay .. but doesn't explain why you are here" I said

"Apparent you're sick so they called me to take care of you" she replied

"Who is your cousin exactly?" I asked

"The twins but the other three are like cousins to me so yeah" she replied. I decided to ignore it, my head throbbed as I once again continue to cough. I sighed as my lemon tea has turned cold as I warmed the kettle and make myself another hot lemon tea. I take some pain killers to ease my throbbing head as I walk back to my couch and continue watching Orange is the new black. 

"So tell me Xander, why someone as cute as yourself catch five men's attention?" she asked randomly.

"I've done nothing, they just came onto me" I replied. She smirked like not believing my response, I have no idea why these sadist beast want me but they just do. Lilly went back to the kitchen, ten minutes later she returned with a plate of home made Italian spaghetti bolognese. My mouth instantly water as I suddenly felt hungry. 

"You look like the type that can't cook, no offense" I said

"None taken but obviously I can" she replied. We continue eating as she clean our dirty plates, I then lean back onto the cousions then slowly my eyes closed letting darkness consume me.

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