Chapter #8| Antonio's past

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Having Lilly take care of me wasn't so bad as I thought it would, living alone gets lonely at times but I'm rarely due to my long work hours and most of the time I have a private sleep room in the prison. I got out of the shower and change into my uniform, leaving Fernando to handle the perverts must be tough for him. I growled lowly remembering them harassing me, I felt my core twitch but I shook those memories away. I will not allow their perverted ways effect me, it's my job to not let bastards like them out of prison and they should stay in Hells Gates where they belong.

"You need to be careful Xander" said Lilly

"Thought you left already" I replied as I put on my work boots.

"I was assigned to protect you Xander and make sure you get to the prison safely" she said. I looked at her confused, protect me? from who? and why do I need protection?

"You were here to take care of me, I don't even know you but you still came in and now you're protecting me. That doesn't even make sense, why must you protect me and why does your so called cousins care so much about my safety" I replied

"It's not my place to say Xander just be careful" she said

"You expect me to let this go and know someone is after me for no reason, I have every right to know what the hell you're talking about and your the one who bring it up in the first place" I hissed. As she was about to answer her phone ringed, she quickly answered it while walking out of my bedroom. Why would she say that to me, I know the twins and the others are part of the mafia it's not a surprise someone will be after them but why would Lilly say that, who is after me?

"Listen I need to go so we need to leave now" she said leaning against the door frame. I sighed and grab my things then leave my apartment, locking my door then a silent drive to the prison. I can't get what she said out of my mind, I need to be careful she says. I looked out of the window until on the side mirror I see a black car driving close to ours, I kept a close eye on it as the car speeds up then reduce it's speed, it's was very odd.

I felt the car turned sharply making my body tilt to the side, I looked at like she was crazy but she gave me a cheesy smile then continue driving. I looked at the side mirror once again and the black car was no longer behind us.

"Take care and don't let my cousins bully you and also they love when you resist" she said as she winked at me then drives away. I stand at the entrance and scan my card onto the entrance gates, two guards asked for my I.D then I was on my way.


"Lilly notice a black car outside of Xander apartment last night, the car was there for about three hours until it drove away as my men stated" Fernando said.

"Any I.D on who was in the car?" asked Luca

"None at the moment, the car didn't have a license plate and looking for that car without a license plate may take some time" Fernando replied. I have a gut feeling who it could be but I don't want to confirm anything until we have evidence. I know how Dante is and he'll do anything to get what he wants, he kills and destroys anyone who dared to cross him.

I sighed, it's not sunshine and roses being the step son of the most dangerous mafia boss, with my wh*re of a mother marrying Dante for his riches isn't something I'm proud of. I despise Dante for destroying our lives, we all have some part of Dante's destruction. I look at the men I call my brothers, they all want blood and it's not a surprise they're desperate to get what they want.

"Any news on Dante's location?" I asked.

"Same place as before, I don't know his exact location I know he's in the city but Dante haven't moved" Fernando replied

"Tell your men to f*king find out where exactly he is, I'm running out of patience and time damn it. We can't f*cking do anything here, you're our eyes and ears Fernando so don't f*ck it up" Abele growled.

"We're set to leave tonight so don't f*ck this up" said Matteo

"Alright just give me a few more hours alright, we're working as fast we can. I will cut off the power and within three minute the power will manually be turned on and it doesn't take long to twitch it back on. Three minutes you guys will need to escape through front entrance and pass close to 50 guards just main entrance" he said

We nodded in response, the plan is set to go, I think about Xander and how we manage to get him involved into this. I have a gut feeling that car belonged to Dante's men, he's looking for something to use against us. I growled lowly thinking of his disgusting hands on Xander, he belongs to us and the moment we saw Xander we all make sure to strike our claim.

"What about Xander?" asked Vettorio

"We'll take him whether he like it or not" Matteo replied while Luca nods in response.

"He's watching Xander, we got him involved in our situation and I'm not gonna let Dante torture him because of us" Vettorio replied

"You sure that's a wise choice, Xander could blow our cover" said Fernando

"Blow who's cover?" someone asked. Fernando turned around then cursed, Xander looked at us confused then widen his eyes seeing unusual papers and a folder on the table. He glared at Fernando then pulled out his gun pointing it at him.

"Who do you work for?" Xander hissed. Fernando put his hands in the air and not moving an inch, we all stood keeping a safe distance.

"Xander put the gun down now" Luca demanded

"Shut up you criminal, so it's Fernando who's been working for you all this time. How could I not see it sooner" said Xander

"It's for a good reason Xander and we can explain just lower your gun, we need Fernando alive" I try to reason with him. I cursed it's not working, I looked at the others hoping one of them just do something, we can't risk letting Fernando get shot by Xander, he's going to cause a scene.

"Baby look at me, don't make me punish you for disobeying Luca" Matteo threatened. I saw Xander flinch but stand his ground, Matteo glared at him until he stepped closer and closer standing in front of him gun point. Matteo leaned forward and whispered something to Xander because suddenly Matteo snatched the gun out of his hands leaving Xander in a moaning mess.

"Sit your ass down now!" Matteo growled

"You don't tell me what to do so back off" Xander hissed. Matteo smirked and grip his crotch making Xander moan in pleasure and pain. Matteo slapped his ass hard then shove him towards the table, Xander soon sat down lost for words.

"You gonna shut the f*ck up and listen baby so we can explain otherwise I'll thrust my c*ck inside your mouth" said Matteo and so he did.

Block A  (Manxman| Mafia) BLOCK SERIES - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now