Chapter #14| Sickness

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A/N: I finally finished my assignments so I have enough time to write another chapter before I go to bed. I couldn't resist guys, I wasn't planning on writing another chapter but I'll write another for you guys. I'll be mainly focusing on Block A until it's finished then focus on my other ongoing stories.


A few days later .....

My eyes flew open as I groan, my stomach is in pain and I have a strong urge to throw up, I couldn't understand why. I don't feel sick from past week, maybe it was the Indian food I ate last night for dinner and it took a bad effect upon me. I waited for a bit for the pain and urge to side then lie back down to fall asleep. A minute later I'm rushing towards the bathroom and emptying my stomach, I brush my teeth then went back to bed.

"Good morning baby" said Abele. He bought my breakfast placing the tray on my lap, the thought of food makes me cringe and somehow the smell of this breakfast smelt awful.

"What is that disgusting smell" I said. Abele frown.

"What smell? I don't smell anything gross" he replied. I stared at my plate to find out where that smell belonged to, I lean down sniffing the food until I smelt the bacon. I covered my mouth with one hand and placing the tray beside me with the other. I rush back to the bathroom and threw up what's left inside my stomach, it smelt so bad making me want to throw up once again.

"Oh baby, let me get some medicine for you" said Abele. I nodded in response, it might be food poisoning or just a stomach bug, I wasn't sure what it is but I wanted it to stop.

"Angelo (angel) Abele says you're sick, are you okay?" asked Vettorio

"I am for now, it must be a stomach bug or something" I replied. The others enter the room, I settle within my bed pulling the blanket over my legs. They all settle around the bed, they looked worried but it's not their fault I got sick.

"Must be the Indian food we had last night, you did mentioned you're not good with spicy food" said Matteo

"I thought that to but oddly the smell of bacon makes me want to vomit" I said

"We're taking you to the doctors" said Luca

"Here's some pain killers" said Abele

"No need, we're taking him to the doctors first to get him proper medication" said Luca. Luca went to book an appointment with the doctors, after I quickly changed we then drove to the doctors and to see what's wrong with me. I sit down waiting for my name to be called, they all insisted to come along to see what the doctor has to say.

"Xander!" someone called. We all rose walking towards the doctors office, I explained my symptoms and how I threw up this morning and from the smell of bacon.

"Come with me, we have an ultrasound so we can get a better look" said Dr. Evans. She leads us to another room, I laid down lifting my shirt, she squirt a gel on my stomach then press the wand onto it to see what's wrong with me.

"You said the smell of bacon makes you sick, correct" she asked

"Correct" I replied  

"Alright lets see ... ah here it is" she said. I frown.

"See what?" I asked.

"You see that little black dot on the screen" she said. I looked closely until I manage to see a block dot on the screen as she says.

"Yeah why?" I asked

"Well that's your baby, congratulations" she replied. I heard the others gasp in shock, I froze in place looking her like she's crazy then staring at the screen. That bean shaped is my baby? H-How is that possible, I'm a man a bloody man!

Block A  (Manxman| Mafia) BLOCK SERIES - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now