Chapter #10| The escape

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A/N: I don't understand why this chapter keeps bugging out, I don't know how many times I reposted this chapter but here it is now. If again you can't see then contact wattpad about the issue.


One by one Xander read the file inside the document that Fernando provided us, photo's of the several hotels they believe Dante is located and several cars his men uses around the city. Xander doesn't know the main reason why Dante is after us, one we can understand the blood thirst and power the monster craves. We all have our fair share dealing with his wrath, we all have our fair share the torture he conflicted upon us.

"These private information is all illegal" said Xander

"In the mafia world nothing is legal Xander, they're constantly at war and power is everything and they'll do nothing to get it" Fernando replied

"Baby we need you to understand why we're telling you this, you belong to us now Xander and we'll do anything in our power to protect you. You don't know what my father is capable of and I don't want you to find out" said Luca

"I-I understand clearly but all of this is a lot to take in for goodness sake, don't expect me to react calm and feel what you all are doing is normal because it's not. I'm involved in something illegal, you all are convicts I should be against this. B-But I feel like more to it, I-I'm afraid for my life and it's really scary" Xander replied. I sat next to Xander and touch is chin lifting his head up as he gasp in surprise and I kissed his soft lips. I grip his hair deepening the kiss then I moved away leaving Xander panting and lusting for more.

"We aren't good men Xander, we've don't a lot of stupid sh*t to end us up in jail, we deserve to stay here the sins we committed and the blood of our victims upon our hands. It's a sick world to be part of but this is our lives, we grew up in the mafia world. I am not going to let my father continue killing innocent people to gain the power he desires, I'll do anything to make sure he's dead" I said

Xander remained silent, he seemed to be in deep thought so we left him to think this through. Hell's Gates only has one exit and one entrance, Xander and Fernando are the only guards in Block A, as Fernando states Block A is separated from the rest. Our plan is for Fernando to cut off the power by cutting a few wires in order to stop automatically turning back on.

"We must leave tonight" said Fernando

"T-Tonight!" said Xander

"How can you leave where there's only on exit and lets not get how many guards James assigned" said Xander.

"I'll be cutting the power, it'll only give us add least 10 minutes to escape, Warden will be notified and someone will try to check the power station, a private plane is ready for our arrival" Fernando replied

"P-Plane! why do we need to go on a plane?" he asked

"My father will do anything to make sure we're killed, it's goes both ways since we want to do the same. You're his main target and he'll use you against us, you'll be coming with us whether you like it or not. We have a house in Australia so our destination will be there until further notice" I said

"This is insane" Xander replied. I couldn't help but agree.


All of this is a lot to take in but what choice do I have, a dangerous mafia boss is after me, my life is in danger and there's nothing I can do about it. They claim they'll protect me, my mind screams to get out of there as soon as possible but heart trusts them they'll protect me with an iron fist.

They continue talking about the plan escaping the prison, it's crazy they'll want to break out Hell's Gates, I've heard rumours about prisoners trying to escape but never succeeded, they all be taken down to the prisons basement which lies an old torture chamber. Fernando make is sound like cutting the power will be the ticket on escaping but I feel it won't be that easy. The prison is filled with over fifty guards, how the hell can we get out without being noticed?

"It's time" said Fernando. I grip my pants, this is it, we're escaping. Fernando slide his card opening the metal door, he leaves giving us time to get ready when the power turns off.

"Grab the document" said Matteo. Less than a few minutes the lights went off along with the power, the prison was filled with people shouting.

"Lets go!" said Abele. This is really happening right now, I froze in place in shock.

"Xander lets go we don't have much time" said Luca.

"I-I can't do this" I whimpered

"Baby it's okay, nothing will happen to you alright so calm down" said Luca

"I need you to open the door okay" said Matteo. I step forward with my arms extended out trying to find the door. They lead me towards the door as I use my hands to feel the pad to swipe my card, soon I opened the door. Fernando cut off the power except one small wire that is a red neon light flashing of a danger alert in the prison. Only the red neon flashing light us towards the exit of the prison, I see guards scatter all over the place, people shouting at each other.

"Turn the power back on!" yelled James. I saw an opened door as I pulled them in as well all try to keep quiet waiting for James to leave.

"Sir, we can't open the doors the power is cut off" someone said

"Figure it out" James replied

"But sir we only have one power station room and we can't access it" the guard replied. I heard James cursed as I heard their foots steps drift away.

"Alright lets go" said Vettorio. We quickly move until I saw Fernando dragging a body inside an empty dark room then closing the door.

"Y-You didn't kill them?" I asked. He chuckled.

"No I just knocked them out" Fernando replied. Fernando pulled a lever opening the exit door manually, once the door was opened we ran towards Fernando's car. I heard someone calling my name as lights shine upon us.

"Freeze!" yelled James

"Don't go through this" said James. I didn't reply, I enter the car then Fernando drove towards the gate entrance and smashing it open until the prison is nowhere to be seen. James seen us, what will he do? we drove through a dirt road until the private plane come in sight.

"Destroy your phone" said Fernando

"W-Why?" I asked

"They can track you, they have your details in the system so destroy your phone and also your bank cards" he replied. I did as he instructed, I smash my phone on the ground then cutting my bank card in half with a knife he provided. I threw it towards the nearest bushes then well all enter the plane, taking off and flying to Australia.

Block A  (Manxman| Mafia) BLOCK SERIES - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now