Chapter #25| Truth revealed (part 3)

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A/N: I am not sure how I feel about this chapter, not sure if it's good but I'll post it anyway


"This won't change anything, all the lives you've taken for what purpose? So what you worked for your father but you could of find a way to get out of it like your sons did" I said

"Don't you think I know that but I didn't so here I am" Dante growled

"Tell us the truth Dante, we need to know what happened?" asked Luca. After Dante's short memory loss then came back to normal, he looked exhausted.

"What do you want to know?" he asked

"Everything just tell us everything" Matteo replied

"Maria found out the truth about her family, I didn't want her to know either how evil her family is but when she cleaned my office I foolishly forgot to store the file away. The moment she read the file she went crazy, throwing everything at me for hiding this from her. I try to explain it was for her own good but she disagree believing she's not weak but strong enough to know.

Maria confronted her father first but doesn't seem bother by it but instead ready to use her for his own good. It bought tension between his father and I that I refuse for him to use for his selfish deeds. Long story short, her brother wasn't to happy being getting involved in their business, when he found out who is my father he thought he'll some easy cash. I couldn't stop him once he gave our location, he only thought about himself not caring he'll put Maria in danger and also our unborn twins. What choice do I have? Let him give my father more information or kill him so I killed him to protect my family" Dante said

"If you're so determine to protect us then why leave knowing there's another way" Luca asked

"My father is powerful and just like me he'll do anything to get more power to even be high in power like the president. Father was mainly focused getting his black market business set through the deep web, but somehow he saw me as a threat. I couldn't risk putting my sons and Maria in danger any further so I made a decision I'll deeply regret. It's the mistakes I made the continue to haunt me, it'll never go away once I personally deal with them myself.

Maria didn't like the idea but I promised her I'll return and we'll be a family again, after years being my father's puppet I didn't get a chance to contact her nor send a letter it was to risk to do anything other then finish the job. Drug through millions of dollars where suppose to be sent to Russia, Russian mafia's were not notify so they decline our entry. My father obviously wasn't pleased but as usual he wanted me to handle it not matter how much I wanted to decline. He gave me the names who's refusing our entry, Abele and Vettorio" Dante replied

He looked at Abele and Vettorio as they both glared at him, they wanted him to continue talking and I can see the guilt in his gaze so he continued.

"So I went to kill you both as my father ordered, he wanted me to use your daughter as bait then kill her when you submitted. I-I didn't want to do it and I regret the day killing her, I can still remember her screams and I bet she to is haunting me as well" said Dante

"You could of fought for your right but you didn't! she's dead you f*cker! she's gone" yelled Abele as he kicked Dante in the stomach.

"I deserve that" said Dante

"You deserve death" Abele hissed

"I don't blame you all for hating me, I don't blame you for wanting to kill me because at this point I had enough. My disease is getting worse and it's getting the point I won't remember my own name, this is what I did to protect you Luca and Matteo. I know my method is sh*t but at the time I panicked and honestly I didn't have a choice. I won't bother asking for forgiveness considering the damage is beyond repair, just know I did try and I never abandon you two, I loved you with all my heart" he said

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