Chapter #4| Matteo's Past

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M A T T E O 

Warning sexual content!

I smirked watching our little angioletto (angel) helplessly moan from our touch, the small twink couldn't resist our touch as he moans in pleasure. Our sadist smirk grew wider loving his reaction, he went full commando once he saw us in person. I relive the moment of his shock expression seeing our faces for the first time. I didn't like his attitude one bit, he forgets who we are and what we're capable of, not only he caught my eye but also Luca's and the rest. 

Luca and I tend to share our sex partners with the our men, it's not something new we do. Luca and I grew up in a harsh environment, nothing was safe in our hometown in Italy. We were raised in poor downtown of Italy, my mother desperate to earn money so we could survive. No one would hire her, with no experience and people well know of our harsh reputation of our father. I'll never remember the day I first killed a man, I was only 15 as I saw him beating my mother. I didn't understand why my mother become a prostitute, working on the streets to get easy cash from perverts that treat her with disrespect. By living in a violent poor town, murder was nothing new, it wasn't a surprise and just about anyone can get away with anything. I was scared and foolish, I killed a man for goodness sake then the guilt slowly eats me alive. 

I'll do whatever it takes to protect her and my bother, even when our bastard of a father left us to starve or worse get killed. I made a promise, Luca and I made a promise together, we'll stay together as our mother wished and we'll become powerful. For those who stood before us, for those who abused us, for those who killed my mother, Luca and I will show them that hell is coming for them. 

"You animals!" yelled Xander. Abele chuckled then bite down onto his sensitive nipples, I awoken from my day dream, remembering my past in bad situation always happens. Luca and I can never run away from our past, we need to overcome it in order to kill the one person we hate the most, it's baby steps we need to take in order to succeed to get our revenge. I grip Xander's c*ck, he threw his head back and moaned as I roughly jerk him off. Luca went behind and lick his twitching hole begging for our c*cks to thrust inside his sl*tty ass. 

"This is your punishment" I whispered to him. Xander shivered and glared at me, he doesn't care me, the little kitten trying to be a lion in the animal kingdom makes us chuckle. I love watching him slowly submit to us, soon he'll know who his Masters is and we'll be worshiping the ground we walk on and for us c*cks to be thrust inside his twitching channels. 

"This is sexual harassment!" he hissed 

"Don't make me laugh angioletto (angel) look how wet you are for us, your sl*tty hole is clamping down onto my fingers and I can already slip in two. Don't think we didn't notice your hips thrusting back and forward for the pleasure we're giving you, you little sl*t" Luca teased as he slapped his ass making Xander whimper. Antonio grip his long hair and pulled his head back, Antonio growled then kissed Xander with such force. Xander moaned as he tried to fight for dominance, we all know he'll defiantly submit to us whether he likes it or not, we all like a challenge. Hell's Gates doesn't seem so bad after all, I guess I'm starting to love it here. 

X A N D E R  

I hissed in pain feeling their teeth biting onto my skin leaving hickies all over my neck and shoulders. I wanted to beat the crap out of them all but as they all put me in a tight grip it is impossible to move. This is beyond what I've been trained for, I won't go down without a fight. I bite down onto my bottom lip drawing blood, I refuse to react from their touch. Their sadist smirk grew knowing how I reacted to them, my body betray me as it screams for more. 

Pleasure was coming from all directions, Luca licking my ass, Matteo sucking on my abused nipples as the other three kiss and suck around my neck and kiss me time to time. Looking up at the security camera's they're still switched off, I'm not sure how that happened, it never happened before but it's perfect timing once they attack me. I close my eyes to ease my breathing I can feel my rapid heart beat so I use the strength I can manage to kicked my way loose. I kicked forward manage to hit someone's d*ck, I heard a groan coming from Matteo, I mentally curse knowing he'll punish me and what I'm experience he has no problem showing who's boss. He release my contained arms, as I slam my fist onto Abele's face making him stumble back. I've hit the others and quickly went for my stun gun located in my back pocket, my gun was out of reach but close to Abele, I wasn't taking any chances. 

"Stand back you assholes!" I yelled. Luca smirked as they all did, they all raised their hands in the air, I didn't care my sudden movement surprise them I just need to get out of here. 

"What you going to do, stun us?" teased Matteo. My shaky hands grip the stun gun in a tight grip, I pointed it at Matteo then at Vettorio as he stepped closer. All five men surrounded me, I went in circles pointing at whoever dares to step closer to me. 

"Shoot baby and see what happens" Antonio threatens. A shiver went down my spine, I'm out numbered, Antonio held my gun in his hands and took the bullets out. He played with my gun taunting me, I kept an eye on all of them. I wasn't sure who to shoot, I only get one shot and then what they'll pin me against the wall like they did not to long ago. 

"Oh baby, it's difficult to take you seriously as you're butt naked right now" Vettorio said, I blushed and try to pull up pants while point the stun gun to whoever, it was a difficult task with one hand but they all seem to enjoy my struggle. 

"Need help?" asked Abele. I growled and pointed the stun gun towards him making him raise his hands in the air once again. 

"Stand back!" I growled. He chuckled. 

"I'm trying to be nice" he said. I place on hand onto the metal table, I kept glaring at them showing them how pissed off they've made me as I try to pull my pants up. Suddenly I felt my body push toward as my face slam onto the metal table, I pulled the trigger as it shoot towards Luca, it shocked him but the man didn't going down better yet it isn't effecting him. I was shocked, he pulled it out and continue making his way towards me, he's an animal I tell yah. 

"What did I say about disobedience" Matteo growled. I gasped as he thrust his erected c*ck onto my ass, his c*ck still remained inside his orange jump suit but it was enough to feel his massive size. I moaned, he took no mercy and continue thrusting forward, I grip the sides of the table and moaned like I never moaned before. Unusual sounds left my mouth, the rest of the group stared at me in lust, they look at me like I'm their next prey. These animals will stop at nothing to tease me, to continue to taunt me and this is already their second day at Hell's Gates.  

"Such a sl*t, look how much you're leaking" he whispered

"Don't forget miele (honey) we eat on that table" said Antonio. 

"Want to cum?" asked Matteo. I wanted to cum, the need to come overwhelms me, they look at me in amusement knowing I'm soon at my breaking point. These sadist bastards look at me hungrily, the perverts. 

"Try not to make a mess" said Luca. I blushed and continue to moan, Matteo rough thrusts is putting me on edge, I'm close to my breaking point and I'm not sure how long I can last. I'm helpless as the handsome Italian man before me grips my hips, my body moved forwards and backwards. I couldn't move an inch, it was difficult to resist the pleasure he's giving me. 

"P-Please" I shamelessly moaned

"What do you need?" Matteo asked as he let out soft groans, feeling his c*ck twitch makes my c*ck twitch even more. 

"I want to cum, please let me cum" I whimpered. They looked at my sl*tty self, I moaned and moaned, begging Matteo to let me cum like the sl*t they've made me to be. 

"Master is what you refer to us as" said Luca

"Answer the question" Matteo growled

"P-Please let me cum, M-Master" I moaned. What the hell am I saying?! these bastard enjoy seeing me like this. Matteo smirked as well as the others, he grip my hips tight and his thrust become faster and rough until I continue moaning and whimper until I felt my release coming in strong waves until suddenly Matteo disappears. I looked behind me and whine, I beg for release and I called him Master but he stopped, why did he stopped?!

"You've been a naughty boy, you don't deserve release, your orgasm belong to us and I say you aren't allowed to cum" he whispers then moves way. I looked at him stunned and confused, Antonio placed my handgun and stun gun onto the table as they all walk back to their cell leaving me behind in confusion. I pull myself up and notice a stain onto my white shirt, I blushed in embarrassed, how could I act this way, why didn't I fight hard enough to get away? Suddenly I heard a beeping sound, I looked around until I looked up and notice a green light flashing from the security camera and it's pointing in my direction. I gasped and quickly pulled my pants on and trying to get out of the camera's view. I heard chuckles coming from the cells, seeing the Italian men watching me carefully from their bed the bastard. 

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