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"Here you go," James said, handing me my coffee through the car window.

I took the cup from him and placed it in the cup holder next to me as I waited for him to get back inside the car.

Once he settled in the passenger seat, I started the car and began driving to Falcon Group.

Today marked one of our first official meetings to discuss the upcoming merger ceremony, a significant event for both companies. I was determined to invest all my time and ideas into securing a favorable position for us in the merger ceremony.

"You know, most people feel uncomfortable being in the same room with their ex. But you, on the other hand, don't seem bothered by seeing her after all these years," James remarked.

I laughed at James and grabbed my coffee from the cup holder, taking a sip while keeping one hand on the wheel.

"There's nothing to be bothered about. Yes, we had a thing back in high school, but that was a long time ago. We're both adults now, and the past is behind us," I explained.

He continued to stare at me from the side, and I quickly glanced at him before rolling my eyes.

"Okay, maybe not since she obviously still hates me and can't stand the sight of me. But I don't care. I'm doing this for the sake of business, and I'm keeping all personal feelings aside," I clarified.

He chuckled after my response.

"Really? Are you sure you can keep all your personal feelings aside? I mean, have you seen her? Dude, there's no way you can walk into that building and not notice how stunning Shelby Falcon is."

He had a point. Keeping personal feelings aside for the sake of the deal was my original plan before I signed that partnership contract with her father.

But damn, I was wrong.

She completely caught me off guard. I was expecting some changes, considering the Shelby I remember from high school was petite, pretty, and reserved, only speaking when spoken to.

However, the woman I saw the other day was different. She was breathtakingly gorgeous, her body now adorned with alluring curves that had developed over the years. And those eyes, damn those eyes.

They used to be big and innocent, with a hint of friendliness. But now they seemed empty, devoid of emotions, and her cold gaze could easily intimidate anyone.

Even I felt that way the moment we met.

"Out of all your ex-girlfriends, I'd say she's the hottest," James continued, and I smirked at him.

"How would you know? You haven't met all of them," I quickly retorted.

"I'm talking about the ones I approve of. And no, girls from one-night stands don't count."

"Why not? Some of them are much hotter than Shelby," I defended.

Well, that was a lie. Comparing all the women I've been with in the past, including recently, their beauty couldn't hold a candle to Shelby's. She was in a league of her own.

"You and I both know that's a lie," James replied, and I nodded in agreement as we both laughed.

I had a small, tight circle of friends, and James was one of them. He had been working as my assistant and playing the role of my best friend for as long as I could remember.

He had always been there for me, and I valued him more than anyone. He seamlessly played both parts, assistant and friend, and I could never tell if he was being serious or joking.

But it was always fun because he had a great sense of humor. I took him everywhere with me because I trusted him implicitly, and he served as an escape when situations became too rough for my liking.

We pulled up in front of the Falcon Group building, and a parking valet promptly took my seat when I got out with James.

We entered the building and noticed that almost everyone in the lobby area was looking our way, especially the females. I was accustomed to that kind of attention. I looked at James, and he made a sarcastic expression, acknowledging the attention we were receiving.

I smiled, and we got into the elevator, heading up to the 17th floor where Shelby's office was located. A few minutes later, we arrived on her floor, and her secretary greeted us from behind his desk.

"Miss Falcon is currently in a meeting. Would you gentlemen like to wait out here?" he asked.

James and I exchanged a glance before I turned back to the secretary with a smile.

"It's alright, she's expecting us. We'll just join her in the meeting," I replied.

He looked confused and was about to say something else but stopped and watched as we walked to the meeting room across the hallway.

Shelby wasn't expecting us to crash her meeting, of course, but we were scheduled to meet today. The meeting room had glass walls, allowing us to see what was happening inside.

The meeting was still in progress, with Shelby standing at the front, addressing the people seated around the table. The top she was wearing accentuated her shoulders and collarbone, making her look undeniably attractive, and the pants perfectly complemented her figure.

I shoved my hands into my pockets and observed her through the glass.

She tilted her head to the side and looked up. Her cold gaze met mine, her piercing blue eyes cutting through the glass as she stared straight at me.

I held her gaze confidently, believing I had the upper hand. But the longer she stared right through me, the more uncomfortable I became.

Finally, I looked away and pretended to focus on James instead. When I decided to glance at her again, she was no longer looking at me but at the papers in her hand. However, I caught a small smirk playing on her lips.

She had changed, significantly. From her appearance to her personality, there was no trace of the girl I used to know and like in high school. She had been completely transformed, and the woman in her place not only appeared incredibly attractive but also intriguing.

Although the odds were against me, I still desired to get closer to her and discover who the new Shelby truly was.

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