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The day had been a whirlwind of activity, filled with back-to-back meetings that left me feeling drained and exhausted. From the early morning hours until nearly five in the afternoon, I found myself caught in a relentless schedule that seemed never-ending. As the day progressed, I could feel the exhaustion seeping into my bones, aggravated further by the discomfort of wearing heels for hours on end.

By the time the last meeting finally concluded, I could barely muster the energy to speak or walk. My feet were throbbing, and the thought of driving home seemed overwhelming. So, I called my driver to take me back instead. I must have dozed off in the backseat, as I was jolted awake by my driver, Andrew, informing me that we had arrived home.

With a lazy and fatigued demeanor, I made my way inside the house, yearning for nothing more than a long, relaxing bath followed by a night of restful sleep.

As I leisurely ascended the staircase, my plans for relaxation were interrupted by the persistent sound of the doorbell ringing. Irritated, I paused, waiting for someone else to answer the door, but no one came forward. The bell rang again, and annoyance welled up within me. Reluctantly, I considered going back downstairs to attend to the visitor, but my aching feet protested vehemently.

"Screw my life," I muttered, heading back down to answer the door myself.

However, before I reached the door, I was surprised to see William suddenly blocking my path, reaching for the doorknob himself. Bewilderment washed over me as I wondered where he had come from.

Without a word, William opened the door, revealing a pizza delivery person holding a large box. 

"Alright, thanks, man," William said, taking the pizza and shutting the door.

As he turned to face me, I felt a sudden awkwardness, trying my best to avoid his gaze as memories of the morning's unexpected kiss flashed in my mind. The timing was inconvenient, to say the least.

"Dinner is here," he informed me, walking toward the kitchen.

Despite not wanting to engage with him at the moment, my hunger got the best of me—I hadn't had the opportunity to eat anything all day. Slowly, I followed him to the kitchen, where he placed the pizza box on the counter and fetched two wine glasses.

Seated on a kitchen barstool, I removed my blazer and eagerly grabbed a slice of pizza to satisfy my hunger. William poured red wine into the glasses, handing one to me. I took a sip, grateful for the respite.

As we ate in silence, I couldn't help but notice how our dynamic had evolved over the past month of living together. Once unable to stand each other's presence, we now seemed to share a level of comfort and ease. The silence between us was no longer tense; instead, it felt strangely familiar and peaceful.

Despite the comfort, a hint of awkwardness crept in, and I felt the urge to initiate small talk. But before I could say anything, William beat me to it.

"I didn't see you at work today. Where were you?"

His curiosity surprised me, as I hadn't expected him to take an interest in my whereabouts.

"I had several meetings with international clients today. Most were successful, but a couple needed more time to review the contracts with their attorneys," I replied.

He nodded in response, before glancing up to meet my gaze. 

"And how about your day? What did you do?"I asked him.

Brushing crumbs from his hands, he answered, "Not much, really. We're currently working on a new marina investment project, strategizing to secure the spot before other dealers beat us to it."

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