Chapter 1

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I've been living in my manor with Severus Snape since Friday. It's only Saturday night, and it already feels like I've been in this place with him for a year. Ever since I cleared my parents memories of me and they moved to Romania, not bothering to tell me themselves, I've been here cleaning my house of their trash. Severus Snape now stays in my parents room, after we washed the sheets and cleared the room of their stuff. He's now my fatherly figure, since he offered himself up to take the position. Severus was a family friend, and now he's my friend, except a little more, now that he's taken my fathers place.

Severus has been helping me take my parents stuff off the walls, and out of the house overall. With two people, and six house elves, the house is being cleared fast. The higher up walls were hardest for me to get, but thanks to Snape, we were able to get them down. The hardest part of cleaning, was thinking you're done in a room, and then finding things you didn't see before. To my surprise, Severus wouldn't get angry, as he usually would get if he couldn't get something right. Also, the fact that it felt like he was my father, started to make me more comfortable being in the same house as my professor.

Draco would be writing to me tomorrow night, with the plans he had for Monday. Snape knew about Dracos parents now wanting him to see me, and he thought the 'accidental' meet ups were a big risk. To me, it wasn't much a risk, if we made it seem natural. We'd meet up accidentally one day, and then perhaps a few weeks later. In between the meet ups, he'd go out randomly with his parents and not meet with me. To make it actually seem as if the events were accidental.

As I sat at the desk in what had now become my room, I began a letter. A letter addressed to Fred and George. Well, more to Fred, since he was more of my friend than George was.

'Fred and George,

I knew you two, or one of you two, would be up at this time. That's why I'm writing to you guys. I wanted to ask if it's ok for me to stay at your house for two weeks. Hopefully, you two aren't busy pranking people, although you are deathly funny. I swear one day I'll die laughing. Anyways, I just felt I should ask before I came, of course.


Occasionally, I did sign of my letters with my initials. From birth, my full name was Tabitha Alexis Bane. Honestly, I never liked my middle name. To me, it sounded too muggle-y. It sounded as though I were named by a muggle, for my middle name at least. I ran down the stairs.

"Severus, have you seen my owl?" I asked.

"Oh. Yes, she's out flying. Use mine if you want" Severus said, putting wood in the grand fireplace.

I whistled, and an owl, assuming was Snape's, landed in front of me.

"To the Weasley twins, you know where they live" I said, turning away when the owl flew off.

Lazily, I made my way towards the lift, where I pressed the '3' button for what felt like the millionth time since I've been back home. When I got to the third floor, I made my way towards my new room, where I walked to the master bathroom. After getting ready for bed, I out on a pair of night clothes, the usual shorts and a tank top. Then, I went to bed, staring up at the ceiling.

** Sunday evening **

"Lokpy, could you make me a few snacks? I'm going to have friends over today" I asked the house elf.

"Yes miss Tabitha. Anything specific?"

"No, just make anything you want" I said, and left the kitchen.

This evening, I was having Millicent and her mum over, along with Marcus. My manor, by now, was fully cleaned of the stuff my parents left behind, and their photos. Draco was supposed to be sending his letter to me tonight, and I hadn't gotten a reply yet from Fred or George. When I walked into the grand living room, Snape was looking at old photos on the wall of my family.

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