Chapter 13

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"I can't believe it's already been two weeks" Draco said as we walked into Borgin and Burkes with his father.

"Really, it's felt like a month has passed" I said as Draco looked around in the store.

"Don't touch anything. The both of you" Lucius said, glaring at us.

"Yes father" Draco said, looking at me.

We walked over to his father, Draco carrying a box. Draco placed the box on the counter. As he did that, I was looking at skulls. I picked one up, but put it down soon after to be sure Dracos father wouldn't see me. We spent a while in the store, as Borgin went through the stuff in the box.

"What did I say, Draco?" I heard Lucius say, and I looked over.

"Don't touch anything" Draco said, a look of disgust on his face.

To myself, I laughed. Minutes later, we were walking out of the store, and walking around. "Can we go in here, Lucius?" I asked, looking into the window of a store that looked interesting.

"Sure" he said, and I walked in immediately.

Walking over to a green thing I saw out of the corner of my eye, I picked it up. It was a locket, with a snake, and covered by a green gem. Putting it back, I walked around more. Coming across a potion bottle, I looked inside. There was only a liquid, which I couldn't identify. The lady that owned the store walked over to me, noticing that I was looking at the potion.

"What's in here?" I asked the woman.

"Beats me. Only my sister knows what's in there" she said, "I saw you looking at the locket. Do you like it?"

"You could say that" I said, placing the potion bottle back on the shelf.

"It's Slytherins locket" she stated.

"The one that belonged to Salazar Slytherin? It can't be."

"It is. Was handed down to me, didn't want it" she said, looking me in the eyes.

"I'll take it" I said, shrugging.

"One galleon."

Easily, I pulled out a galleon, and handed it to her. Then, I put the locket in my pocket. Lucius walked over to me as I started looking at more of the potions. He picked up the one that I was holding earlier. It had no label on it, and had what looked like a black liquid in it.

After a while, we left, and I was looking around Knockturn Alley. I hadn't been to the place in a while, and hadn't been this far into it in years. Draco watched me as I wandered off towards a store that had potions in the window. Without asking Lucius, I walked in. The store was filled with various poisonous potions. Not long after, Lucius walked in, Draco following behind.

"Miss Bane!" He said, as I looked at a shelf of colourful bottles.

Guiltily, I looked at Lucius, "sorry, I got sidetracked."

He rolled his eyes at me, and walked off to somewhere in the back of the shop. Picking up a potion, I read the label. "Sidetracked?" Draco asked, "you didn't get sidetracked. I was watching you the whole time."

"Watching me?" I asked, acting as though I didn't know.

"Not really watching you I-" he started.

"Oh hush, I saw you" I said simply.

"You just looked happy, and I guess I liked that look on you, after not seeing it for a while."

"Seeing me happy? You can't like seeing someone happy. That's impossible."

"Nothing is impossible, Tabitha Alexis."

Rolling my eyes at he mention of my middle name, which I absolutely hated, I walked over to the man that worked in the store.

"Ah, miss Bane" the man said, earning a confused look from me. He laughed, "oh sorry" he said, "you haven't seen me since you were just a young girl, I'm Gellert Grindelwald."

I nodded as I gave him the money for the potions I had grabbed up. As the three of us walked out, Lucius spoke about Gellert.

"He went to Durmstrang institute. Got expelled. Very into the dark arts" Lucius said.

"So he's not actually too bad then" I said rather than asked.

"Tabitha, he's bad" Lucius said as we walked into the Malfoy Manor.

"He knew me, how?"

"Your parents weren't great people, Bane. They weren't as bad as the others in your family, but I'll say, they aren't great."

"So why were you mad when I did the spell on my parents?"

"I wasn't, Narcissa was."

I nodded, and went to my room, placing the potions and the locket on the dresser. It wasn't until later that night, when I had to come out of my room to go to the meeting. There's these meetings we go to, usually in the Malfoy manor. Where death eaters meet, and stuff happens. Usually, they're very long and boring. It's only ever so occasionally that a meeting will happen at my house. Lately, they've been happening at my house considering the fact my parents were gone. As I walked down the stairs, Draco came by me. He stopped, as I headed down.

"Where are you headed to? There's a meeting going on" he asked. Normally, he didn't attend the meetings unless they were at my house. He wasn't necessarily a death eater yet.

"Oh, I'm hungry. That's all" I lied, hoping he wouldn't notice.

He smiled, shaking his head, "you're going to the meeting aren't you?" He asked, glancing down at my left arm, which I hid behind my back. "You're one of them, aren't you?"

"Draco" I said, as he reached out for my arm, which I let him take.

"You are!" He said, looking at the moving dark mark on my left forearm.

"Draco. I have to go" I said, walking away, him following behind.

"What Weasley said is true then! I thought he was only trying to scare me by telling me you were one!"

"Draco" I said, spinning around, "it was going to happen anyways. Can't stop it" I added.

He followed me into the room, sitting in the empty spot next to me. When I sat down, I didn't bother to look around me. Nagini, Voldemorts snake, came slithering down the long table, hissing at Draco.

"My guest, continue on Nagini" I said, not noticing I was speaking in a different language.

"You're a parseltongue?" Draco asked, surprised, watching as Nagini hissed at me, then continued down the table.

"Yeah" I said, watching Nagini turn around at the end of the table.

"Since when?"

"Since always, Draco" I said, glaring at the snake as she stared at Draco.

"You don't like her?" Voldemort asked.

"Not when she looks at Draco like that" I sneered, "you know I like her, Voldemort."

"You care too much for the boy" Voldemort said, attempting to make me mad.

He did that often at meetings when Draco attended. Voldemort tried too hard to get me mad. Smiling, I looked at Voldemort, "now, my lord, why wouldn't I care for him" I said coldly.


Listening to Chains by Nick Jonas 😊😊

Favourite song by him honestly.


Ok bye now.

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