Chapter 14

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** (the next meeting) **

Voldemort spoke to an angry Nagini, who followed at his feet. Draco, once again, sat by my side, and I watched as Voldemort walked around us. The tension in the room was almost unbearable, and I notice Draco tense up as Voldemort stopped by his father. Not thinking, I reached my hand over and touched Dracos. He gave me a questioned look.

"Don't be so tense" I whispered, "don't show it, at least."

That was one thing, never show your feelings much at meetings. As Voldemort went to his spot at the end of the table, I glanced at Severus. He nodded at me, and I watched Nagini come onto the table. Voldemort talking to her. As usual, she slithered down the table, stopping in front of Draco, and hissing once again.

"If she doesn't stop I swear I'm going to kill her" I whispered to Draco when she was far enough down the table. He smiled softly at me as I straightened up in my seat.

Nagini slithered back to Voldemorts side, and he began speaking. The meetings were usually long and extremely boring. After a while, Nagini angrily hissed at Voldemort. "Ah, miss Bane. She's hungry" Lord Voldemort said to me.

Draco looked at me as I got up. "Come, Nagini" I spoke to the snake in parseltongue, and Voldemort continued with his speaking. The snake followed me out of the room, and to where I usually fed her. Five minutes later, I walked back into the room, Nagini at my feet.

"Did you feed her the food I changed her to?" Voldemort asked me. He had changed her meals from live rats to live bunny rabbits lately. That was, if we didn't have a dead human victim for her to feed on.

"Yes, my lord" I said before taking my seat next to Draco.

** after the meeting **

"You have to feed her?" Draco asked, sitting in front of me at dinner.

Lucius and Narcissa watched us as we spoke. "Yes I feed her. Voldemort knows I love the thing just as much as he does."

"So why do you speak angrily at her when she stops near us?"

"Because, I don't like her hissing at you, she knows it too" I said, as Lucius laughed.

"Why are you laughing father?" Draco asked, glancing over to Lucius.

Narcissa and I rolled our eyes at the two, and went back to eating. After dinner, Draco and I went to his room. We were talking about Nagini still.

"What do you feed her, anyways?" Draco asked, going off to change.

"I used to feed her live rats, until Lord Voldemort decided she'd like live bunnies better. That's what I feed her, unless there's a victim" I said, watching as he came back into the room, shirtless.

"Victim?" He asked sitting next to me.

"Yeah. Sometimes Voldemort has a human victim. Pretty much a prisoner of his, that he'll kill in front of everyone at the end of a meeting. Then he lets Nagini feast on the dead person as her dinner."

"That's harsh."

"It's funny, actually, watching her eat. Nagini gets fierce, she doesn't let you near her meal. Usually, I have to sit on a table or something so she doesn't feel like I'm going to steal her food."

"Has she ever bitten you?"

"No. Hasn't bitten anyone since" I trailed off, thinking, "since the last feeder. Which was a young boy named Grant. He got in the way, she killed him. That's why I got the job" I finished.

Draco shook his head, "and you aren't scared she'll kill you?" He asked, seeming slightly worried.

Leaning forward, I smiled, "of course not. Nagini trust only a select few of us death eaters" I said, running a hand through my hair.

"Who are those select few?" Draco asked, watching as I ran my hand through my hair.

"Other than Voldemort and I, Nagini only trusts Severus and your father. Very select. Three death eaters, and her owner of course. She's very... lets say, greedy."

"My father?"

I nodded, and told him about why she trusts Lucius. When I was finished, I added, "and I'm led to believe she has a liking towards you."

He rolled his eyes, "me?" He asked, messing with the hem of my shirt.

"Shes greedy, as I said. If I don't scare her off, who knows what she'd do to you" I said, getting a chill when Dracos hand touched my stomach momentarily.

Minutes later, I found myself falling asleep. Draco pushed a piece of my hair out of my face, and whispered, "you'll be mine, Tabitha Alexis Bane. You'll be mine." Little did he know, I was thinking the same thing. That he would be mine, and I, his.

I didn't wake up until I heard the sound of water running. Turning over to face away from the noise, I closed my eyes again. If there was one thing I didn't want to do right now, it would be getting up. A few moments later, I heard the water turn off. Unable to continue sleeping, I sat up. Running a hand through my hair, I looked at the window. A white owl was tapping on it, trying to get it open. Slowly, I walked over and opened the window. The owl gave the letter to me, and I opened it, walking back to the bed. It was from my uncle Dablin. He was telling me my cousin, his son, was going to be switching schools. My cousin, Thomas Bane, was originally going to Durmstrang. He was my age, but we've never met.

"And he wants me to show him around, I'm guessing" I mumbled to myself as I turned over the letter to read the other side.

"Show who around?" Draco asked, coming in front of me.

"My cousin. He's switching schools, he's coming to Hogwarts" I said, looking up.

"Ever met him?" Draco asked, taking the letter from me.

"No. All I know is he's our age, went to Durmstrang, and is my uncle Dablins son."

"Dablin? Like the one on the wall in the common room?" Draco asked, putting the letter on his bed. I nodded and left his room to go to mine.

** later that day **

I was going through the poisonous potions I had bought yesterday when Draco walked into my room. Ignoring him, I kept looking through them. Eventually giving up and going through the large advanced potions book Severus had given me. At my request, he had given me a potions book with various potions we wouldn't learn at school. He'd also given me a book with different spells in it, dark arts stuff I was learning.

"What are you doing?" Draco eventually asked, sitting on the couch in front of the fire.

"Looking. Nothing really. Just looking.. yeah" I said, more talking to myself than him.

"Looking at what?"

Picking up the potions book, I walked over and sat near him, "looking for potions to use that stuff in" I said, looking up at him.

"You're really going to use those poisons?" He asked, taking the book from me and looking at the potion I was on. "I thought you only bought those to-" he trailed off, shaking his head.

I stifled a laugh, and smiled "no, Draco, I intend to use them. For what? Honestly, I've no idea."

He looked up at me, a confused, yet entertained expression on his face, "ok then" he started, "why don't we go out for Quidditch. Practice before tryouts?" He suggested.

"Let's do that" I said, and he went off to get his broom.

As I closed the door to my room, I thought to myself. He was acting slightly odd. What was he actually up to? Even last night, with what he said.


Ew there was so much talking in this chapter. Sorry about that. So tomorrow (17th June 2015) I'm going out with my mum and her friend. Her friend and her nephew are going to see 'Jurassic World' and Joanne (my mums friend) offered to let us come. Thankfully, her nephew is 15 (I'm 14) so it won't be odd. 😂

Anyways, hope you've all had or are having a great day!


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