Chapter 7

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Today was the first Quidditch practice of the year. Also meaning we had our first game in two weeks. We were going against Ravenclaw for our first game, which meant we had to have another long game. All of us hoped it wouldn't last four hours, like our last game. Astryx, Marcus and I were the first to the field, surprised when we saw the Gryffindor team already there. The rest of the Slytherin team came up behind us. Tryx, when he saw us, came down, followed by the rest of the team.

"What are you doing here, Tabitha?" He asked, looking from me to my team.

"We have the field for today. Special practice, before the first game seeing as Hufflepuff can't play" I explained, looking from Tryx to Draco, who was standing in the back, looking down at the ground.

Tryx sighed, "well then."


After Quidditch practice, we had dinner. Not being hungry, I sat with Astryx and his friends. Draco had tried talking to me plenty of times today, the only time I actually answered was Quidditch practice. That was only if the subject was Quidditch or school. After last night, I really hadn't planned to talk to him until I needed to. I tried keeping my gaze on my empty plate, or at my new friends, but I'd find myself looking at Draco and my "old" friends. Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, Marcus and I were still friends. Blaise and I weren't ever really friends, more acquaintances.

"You have to eat something" Lila stated, sounding worried.

"I'm just not hungry, Lila, I'm perfectly fine."

She nodded, the worried expression leaving her face as the group continued to talk to each other. I only knew a few of the people we sat with names. There was Lila, a third year, Tom Wells, the most annoying person yet. There was also Dean Simmer, a fifth year, and his little brother Herring, a fourth year. Herring didn't talk much, nobody knew why. Dean had blond hair, like mine, but he had green eyes, which weren't a true green. He was shorter than some, but still tall, considering he practically towered over me. I looked over at Draco and his friends, the two of us catching each other looking at one another. Quickly, I looked away, and at Lila, who was sitting in front of me.

"You two are going to be at the Quidditch World Cup, right?" Lila asked Astryx and I.

We both nodded, "we'll be in it actually" we said together. Astryx and I looked at each other, "stop it" we both said, then groaned and looked back at Lila. In group conversations, Astryx and I usually found ourselves speaking the same thing at the same time.

"In it?!" Tom interrupted.

"Yeah. In it. We're competing" I said, looking from Astryx to Tom.

When dinner was over, we all walked to the common room together. Lila and I sat in the common room as Astryx and Tom went to get showers.

"Are you and Astryx together?" Lila asked when the two boys left.

I shook my head, letting out a small laugh, "no" I said, putting it simply.

"Oh, sorry. I just knew you two liked each other and.. you know... kissed" Lila whispered as Draco walked by.

"It wasn't much, really. It happened, but I wouldn't necessarily consider it one" I said, in my normal voice.

"Consider what one?" Draco asked, sitting himself next to me.

Looking at the boy, I sighed, "nothing, Draco. Absolutely nothing, dear" I said sarcastically.

"Dear?" He asked, laughing, but I could tell it made him happy.

Shrugging, I looked at Lila once again, who was sitting in the couch nearest to me. "Do you think you guys will win?" Lila asked, referring to the Quidditch World Cup.

"With Astryx and I as captains, yeah. We're always coming up with new stuff on how to win" I said, picking up my wand and twirling it. From the corner of my eye, I could see Dracos facial expression change at the mention of Astryx.

Seeing the change, Lila found the chance to say, "sad you two aren't dating. You and Astryx."

Playing along after seeing his expression change again, "I guess, I mean, there needs to be time. I can't just jump from one person to another directly after you know, you two break up" I stated.

"Wait, you two aren't dating?" Draco asked, making me look at him.

Shaking my head, "no, because as I said, I can't jump directly into another relationship."

"We're cool, right?" Draco asked me when Tom and Astryx walked out of the shower room, both shirtless.

"Yes, Draco" I said, while Tom disappeared into the boys dorm. "Really Astryx" I said, looking at the tall boy, "really? Is you being shirtless necessary?"

He acted as if he were thinking, "yes, it is necessary" he stated as he sat on the other side of me. Draco, by now, had gone to shower. He didn't like Astryx much now, since the latest events.

** the next morning at breakfast **

"You really did do that to them?" Astryx asked, as Tom had brought up the subject of my parents.

"Yeah" I shrugged, eating some more of my breakfast.

"Why?" He asked, also eating his breakfast.

"Her version of revenge" Draco said, as he was sitting across from Astryx and I. Also, beside Tom and Lila.

"Thank you, Draco" I said with a fake smile, "but yes, my version of revenge. Also why his parents refuse to let him see me."

"That's why you can't see each other?" Tom asked, interrupting the three way conversation.

"Mostly. We aren't supposed to, my parents way of saying we had to break up for the time being. Until she can 'prove herself' is what my mum said" Draco stated.

"It was going to happen anyways. Draco would've found out about the you-know-what in a few days" Lila said, looking at me with a grin.

"Found out about what?" Draco asked, looking at the four of us.

Tom looked at me, and I shrugged, allowing him to tell Draco. "They kissed" Tom said, looking towards Astryx and I.

Draco turned his head in our direction and gave a glare, "you did?"

"The day of tryouts, when I walked out and cut my hand open" I said, looking at my now healed hand.

"But you two aren't together?" He asked, as if he needed reassurance.

I shook my head, "no. I've said that plenty of times in the past two days now."

Draco groaned as we all stood up to go to class. When Astryx and I got to the point where we had to separate, he kissed the top of my head, "see you" he said, and walked to his class.


This chapter took me three days to write ( i _ i )

I cannot tell you how done I am with this chapter. Personally, I don't think it's great, but hopefully it's not too bad. On the other hand, I WISH MY HOUSE WAS DONE ALREADY BECAUSE ITS FREAKING BEAUTIFUL AND IM TIRED OF STAYING AT MY GRANDMAS HOUSE. I mean, I love my grandma but *shrugs* she lives in the most boring town and the only stuff to do is hours away in places like Raleigh and Jacksonville.

Well, I'm tired, so goodnight,

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