Chapter 12

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OWLs were starting exactly next week. The past few days, I've been sitting at the Gryffindor table, talking to Hermione and Harry. In all honesty, Harry was a nice person. He was friendly, somewhat annoying, but overall he seemed great. Hermione would almost always bring up the death-eater thing, asking when I was going to be one. Although, she didn't know I already was.

"Hermione! How could you say she's a follower of him?" Harry would ask, startled.

"Because I am" I admitted, looking at Harry.

"You are?" Ron asked, "do you have the mark?"

Blankly, I stared at Ron, "of course."

"Can we see?" Tryx asked, randomly sitting beside me.

"Your brother has it. You've seen it before, Tryx."

"He's never shown it to me. I've only heard about it. Not even sure if it's true."

Rolling my eyes, I said, "when there's free time".

"We have free time right now!" Ron said. I groaned as the four of them dragged me outside, "Can we see now?"

"Fine" I said, pulling up my left sleeve and showing them the jet black dark mark on my left forearm.

"My fathers is a faded red, why is yours jet black?" Tryx asked.

"Because mines active. I'm an active follower. Lord Voldemort can summon me whenever he wishes" I said, pulling my sleeve back down.

"So you-know-who could just take you in like the middle of the day?" Harry asked.

I nodded, "yeah".

We all walked back into the school together, "I could've sworn I've seen one on Snape" Hermione said. She looked at me, "is she one too?"

"Yeah" I mumbled.

For the rest of the day, Ron would bug me about my dark mark whenever he could. Even in potions, when he finished his potion, he came up to me and sat. Eventually, with Rons continuous babbling, I decided to get up and walk over to Hermione and Harry. The two were arguing over something, which I didn't catch. After a while, we were allowed to go to our next class. All three of us had History of Magic, where we talked for most of the class. Except for when professor would look our way. History of Magic was a boring class, where barely anyone payed attention.

"Professor?" Someone spoke.


"What is the Chamber of Secrets?"

The chamber had been opened earlier in the year. No one really ever spoke about it anymore. When the writing was found on the wall, Draco and I had yelled out "you'll be next, mudbloods". Hermione had seemed to be over it, as she was friends - sort of friends - with me now. Draco and I weren't necessarily on speaking terms still, occasional small talk would happen. Overall, he was mad that I was with Astryx, which is apparently a big mistake. In the end, I knew he and I would break up, and I'd probably instantly go back to Draco. I miss him too much, really. But after all, it was Dracos decision really, to get me to break up with him. Or he break up with me. Either way, his parents started it all. On the other hand, I did believe Lucius and Narcissa had more trust in me. We have one more Quidditch game before the end of the year, and OWLs were starting soon. For myself, I figured I'd get good scores, Hermione thought the same of herself.

** later **

As I walked to the Slytherin common room, I started to feel guilty. I hadn't stayed true to my family. I've became friends with a muggle born. Great.

"It's ok, Selene did it too. Everyone likes Selene. Everyone" I muttered to myself silently.

"Why aren't you at the library?" Draco asked, coming to my side.

"I cancelled out on Harry. Didn't feel like studying tonight."

"You sound upset, why?"

"I'm not upset" I said, looking over at Draco.

We arrived to the common room entrance, "what's the new password again?" Draco asked, looking at me over his shoulder.

"Oh move over" I said, stepping in front of the entrance, "pure-blood." The door opened, and I looked at Draco, "really. It's not even hard."

He rolled his eyes jokingly to me and we walked into the boys dormitory.

"You aren't supposed to be in here!" A first year said.

"Do I look like I care?" I asked, passing him.

Draco and I walked into the mint smelling room of his and I smiled. "I've missed this scent" I admitted.

He put his books down on a table and lay on his bed, "you can't be serious."

"Believe it or not, I am serious."
For most of the night, I sat on his bed, him laying down. Suddenly after a long but comfortable silence, I spoke, "so, are we on speaking terms, or is this just one of those points where we speak momentarily and then stop?"

Draco lifted his head and looked me in the eyes, "what do you think?"

"That this, is simply a temporary thing, where we speak momentarily" I shrugged.

"You're wrong. As always" he smirked.

"I'm not always wrong, just sometimes" I said, and he gave a soft smile. Sighing before I got up, I looked at him. He was awake, I knew it, but his eyes were closed.

After a while, when I knew he was asleep, I picked up my wand, and left his room. It was normal, for us to sit in almost complete silence, until one of us fell asleep. We didn't always sit in silence though, but when we did, it wasn't an awkward silence. It was a comfortable silence. A silence where you could almost feel the connections between you and that person. In the girls dormitory, everyone was asleep, except for Millicent's stupid cat.

"Go away" I said, as the cat came over to me and rubbed against me. When her cat didn't leave, I picked it up and carried it to Millicent's bed, and put it down.

Quickly, I then walked into the wall, and came into my room. Tomorrow was Saturday, and there isn't a word to describe how happy I am about that. It even bothering to change out of my robes, I lay on top of my bed covers and closed my eyes. Seconds later, I was asleep.

Chapter 13 starts in the summer 😊

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