Chapter 6

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Tonight, I sat in my room, sitting at the desk where Selene had last put her wand. I was up, reading through my potions book, and working on some work from the class. The work Snape gave us was usually easy, but as the days went by, I could tell it was getting harder. It was the same for all of the classes, except herbology. We usually only had to read about what we'd learn the next day. Just as I finished writing my name on the top of my paper, a person came through my wall. Draco.

"Hello, Tabitha. Mind if I?" He asked.

"Go ahead. You're already here anyways, Malfoy."

He sat on my bed and I walked over to him. "I wanted to talk to you. About the whole in between thing, and what happened yesterday before lunch."

Sighing, I let him continue. "The rumours, of Pansy and I, they aren't true. The fact of it is, I thought that having someone, which happened to be her, around me, while you were always with Astryx. I thought it would make me happy. Tabitha, I know you're mad. At yourself, and me. If you want to have an in between, I am fine with that. Just know, I'm always here for you, Tab."

Well that was a lot to take in. First, I nodded, "Draco, you don't have to do this" I started.

He shook his head, "Yes, I think I do. No, I know I do" he said as he got up.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy. Listen to me!" I said, following him out of the girls dormitory. "You're not going to do this, and neither am I."

He opened the door to the boys dormitory, and as I was, I followed him in. There were a few stares my way, which I didn't much appreciate. Draco went to his room, and I followed behind him. Only to walk in on almost all of our friends. They all stared at me, in a manner of asking 'why are you here?'

Ignoring them as they walked out, I looked at Draco. "Fine then. If you don't want to listen" I said, turning around and walking out, still earning stares from the others.

Draco had a hard head, it was tough to get past him when he was focused on something. He hadn't came after me this time as I walked out on him and left the common room. As I walked down the corridor, I came across the Bloody Baron, our house ghost.

"You better get back to the common room, miss Bane. Don't want to get caught here" he said.

"Bloody Baron, nice to see you too. But I need you to get someone for me, please."

He followed beside me as I headed to the painting that would open to the Gryffindor common room. "I need you to go in there, maybe scare a few people, and get Tryx Dane for me. It's important."

The Bloody Baron proceeded to go inside, and do what I asked. He would almost do anything for you, but only if you were on his good side. Nobody ever asked him why or how he has blood all on him. That's how most people got on the Bloody Barons bad side. I listened, smiling to myself as I heard a few people scream. The painting opened, and Tryx came out.

"What is it Tabitha? Did you have to come so late?" He asked, yawning.

"I don't have time to talk about that. What I need you to do, is talk to Free and George for me. I need you to tel them, well, I need them to trick somebody for me or something."

"This person better not be Astryx. Who is it?"



"How many Dracos do you know? Of course Malfoy."

"So why'd you wake me up?"

"Because, I also wanted to tell you, you're captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Tryx. You're also a chaser."

He smiled, "good, and can I go to bed now? Im bloody tired and I have a test in charms tomorrow. Don't get caught."

I nodded, and walked off to the Slytherin common room as the Bloody Baron came out. "Quick, Bane! Hide! Filch is coming" he said to me, and sure enough, Filch was coming. I hid behind a suit of armour as he and that stupid cat of his passed by.

"Am I good now?" I asked, and the Bloody Baron nodded as I then came out. "Thanks, for the help, Bloody Baron" I said, saying the password to the common room.

"Anytime, Bane. Anytime."

When I walked in, on the couch was Draco. Of course he'd be up. Probably trying to figure out where I was. "Where have you been?" He asked.

"None of your concern, Malfoy. I don't have to tell you anything. As I'm guessing what happened earlier was you breaking up with me" I said, "the rumours are true though. I do like Astryx."

I could see by his softened expression that the words hurt him, "do you? Do you really? What about me? What about Tyler Emerald?"

"You? Of course I like you. The feeling is there, just locked up. As for Tyler Emerald, sure. Doesn't hurt. But I stay true to my family lines. Slytherin and Purebloods. Bad reputations, not good ones. Voldemort, not Dumbledore. The dark, not the light" I smiled.

"That's it! The both of you!" Pansy said as she came down the stairs.

We both ignore me her, as Draco spoke, "you're afraid, Tabitha" he took a breath, his voice now calm. Astryx walked in as Draco started to speak, "You're afraid to tell people what you're feeling because it will destroy them. So you don't tell anyone and let it destroy yourself" Draco sighed.

"And you, Draco, will never know what's behind the mark I have. You'll never know what I'm hiding. Not when we're dating, and not when we're married. As you said, I'm afraid, so I let my feelings destroy me, instead of others" I said, as Astryx came behind me as I backed up. "I have secrets, and some of them, I can't keep. You've learned that. You've heard most of them, and I know you've told most of them."

I kept myself standing as I continued to speak. "You're misunderstood, Malfoy. You underestimate people, sometimes. You don't know what I'm capable of. You don't know what I've done" and with that, I closed my eyes as tears went down my face. It was in that moment I had remembered nobody had ever seen me cry. Not even my parents. I felt arms wrap around me, and the sound of footsteps as two people walked off. I pulled away from the person, who happened to be Astryx, and I wiped the tears from my face.

"I'm sorry you had to see that" I told Astryx with what I had left of a voice.

"Hey, it's fine" he smiled, "I was the one who decided to come see what the noise was. So where did you go?"

"The Bloody Baron and I went to get your brother. Told him about Quidditch, and I asked him if he could get Fred and George to do a little something to a certain someone" I said as we went and sat down.

Astryx was quiet, thinking. "Is that specific person Draco?" He asked, watching me as I stared into the fire.

"You already know. I wasn't expecting this when I got back with the Bloody Baron, but, it's over now" I smiled, looking in Astryxs' eyes. "But of course, I still want Fred and George to do what they do and get back at Malfoy. Considering I know he's going to tell his father tonight, before he goes to bed."

"That boy and his father" Astryx laughed.


Now I wonder how many of you are happy I had them break up, and I also wonder how many of you aren't happy I had them break up. Personally, I'd guess the majority of you are happy I had them break up.

Don't hate me if you liked them together,
Gracesen 😂

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