Chapter 16

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"You just run through the wall?" Thomas asked, looking at me worriedly. Honestly, in the two months I'd spent with him, I'd never seen him that worried before.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Straight at the wall between platforms nine and ten. Go on now" I said rushingly, looking at the time.

Seconds later, Thomas was running at the wall, myself following him. Honestly, I hadn't thought he'd actually go through with it. Before going on the train with Thomas, I said goodbye to Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix. When I got on the train with Thomas, I literally had to drag him to the compartment where I usually sat. Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and the others were already there. Sitting beside Draco, I waited for Thomas to sit across from me. Once he did, I introduce my friends.

"Ok, here it goes Thomas, this is Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, Millicent, Blaise, Marcus, and Astryx" I said, motioning to each of them as I said their names, "and you already know Draco."

Thomas nodded, "do I have to get sorted with the new kids?"

"No. Severus, basically my father now, has told me to bring you to Dumbledores office. That's where you'll be sorted. Before the first years" I said, leaning back.

For the rest of the train ride to Hogwarts, we all talked to Thomas of the place. Blaise had said Thomas was lucky he wasn't here last year, when the Chamber of Secrets was opened. Everyone knows Blaise was scared, as much as he denied it. As for our Quidditch team, we did make it to the Quidditch World Cup. Which wouldn't take place until December, as usual. Thomas was a beater, as Oliver Pine hadn't came to Quidditch tryouts over the summer. One thing was clear about why, he didn't want to go to the World Cup again this year. Pine had said it was too frightening.

"What don't you know yet?" Pansy asked in her usual annoying voice.

"Nothing really, Tabitha's taught me everything I need to know" Thomas replied, giving off a small smile towards me.

Thomas wasn't an open book. Kind of like me, he kept many secrets. Many of which I shared. As most of the secrets kids in our family kept were family business. None of which could be told, unless under certain circumstances. Draco knew most of them, as usual, I told him almost everything, even if I knew he'd tell at least one of them. Or even all of them. Though, I wasn't here to make a good reputation for my family. I was here to keep the bad one us Banes had going. As Draco and the others left towards the Great Hall, I led Thomas up to Dumbledores office.

"Now, there's people you don't want to be friends with in each house. For Slytherin, it's really only the new kids. As for Ravenclaw, only, and ONLY make friends with Tyler Emerald, and nobody else. Hufflepuff, I need you to hate everyone in that house. Just literally everyone, unless you find Oliver Pine a good friend. And, lastly, Gryffindor, only make friends with the Weasleys, Harry Potter of you wish, and Hermione Granger if you don't mind mudbloods" I said, as we arrived in front of the gargoyle. "Lemon Drop" I said, and the door to the office opened.

"Lemon drop?" Thomas asked as the door closed behind us.

"There's a password for almost everything here. That includes the common rooms for the houses. You cannot and I mean cannot tell anyone the password to the common room of your house. It's strictly against the rules. Do it and you'll lose house points for your house" I said, grabbing the sorting hat. "Sit. This is the sorting hat. He's going to put you in your house, and depending on where you are, depends on what I'm able to tell you."

Thomas jumped when the sorting hat started speaking, and I laughed. After a moment of thinking, the Sorting Hat then yelled out, "SLYTHERIN" and I sighed with relief. Taking the hat off of Thomas, and continuing to hold it, I told him everything he needed to know.

"Lastly, the password to our common room is Pure-Blood. If you tell anyone, I'm literally going to kill you. I mean it too" I said as the two of us walked out of Dumbledores office.

Still carrying the hat when we enter the great hall from the side entrance, I put the sorting hat into the stool. Nodding a hello to Severus as we passed, I led Thomas to the Slytherin table. The first years started coming in, and Minerva McGonagall started speaking her usual speech to the first years. After each and every one of them was sorted, Dumbledore stood up, and said, "let the feast begin" and as usual, the food appeared. Earning the awfully dreaded gasps from the first years.

"Is there anything else I have to be surprised with?" Thomas asked, taking a drink.

"Well, you have to meet the house ghost still" Draco said, looking at me with a smile.

"Just don't ask him why he's covered in blood" I added, "you want to be on his good side."

"Yeah, because if you're on his good side, he'll scare people for you" Marcus finished.

The ghosts came in, the Bloody Baron going through the table as usual. "This, is the Bloody Baron" I said as he stopped to talk to us. "How was your summer?" I asked, noticing Thomas's surprised expression.

"Dreadful. Got anyone for me to scare for you this year?" He asked me.

"The usuals, scare the first years first" I said as he left.

"Does each house have a ghost?" Thomas asked.

"My god Tom! Of course each house has a ghost. The History of Magic professor is a ghost, and watch out for Peeves the Poltergeist by the way" Millicent started.

"He's always causing trouble" Pansy finished.

The group of us got up and left the Great Hall early. We headed towards the Slytherin Common room, stopping in front of the wall.

"Why are we at a wall?" Thomas asked.

Ignoring him, I spoke the password, "Pure-Blood" and walked inside. "This, Thomas Remus Bane, is the Slytherin common room. The boys dormitories are up the stairs and to your right" I said, smiling.

Thomas nodded, and Crabbe took over the talking for me, "everything you need will be waiting by your bed in the dormitory. Just find your trunk, that's how you know where you'll be sleeping."

"We've got Transfigurations first thing tomorrow morning, Professor McGonagall teaches it. You'll notice, she's normally a cat for at least half the class" I said, sitting down on the black leather couch beside Draco.

Thomas nodded, still taking in everything. "Do they teach the dark arts here?" He asked randomly.

"Sadly, no. But they teach defence against the dark arts, DADA, we call it for short. But Severus Snape, the potions master here, teaches Tabitha the Dark Arts" Draco said, pulling a stray string from his robes.

Once again, Thomas nodded. After the first years had came in and gone to sleep, along with the other students, we decided we would too. After telling Thomas to not leave the common room unless Draco, Pansy, Millicent, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise or I were with him, I went into the girls dormitory. Like normal, everyone was asleep, Pansy and Millicent had gone to change into their pyjamas. Letting me have the chance to go through the wall behind the banner and into my room. After putting my wand away, and placing it beside Selene's, I changed and went to bed. Because, once again, I'd be waking extremely early to shower and get ready for the school day. Tomorrow, there would be near to no free time, because as a third year, you had to take at least two or more extra classes. I'd chosen Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures. That's where Thomas was put, and Draco had chosen the same classes as well.

When I woke up the next morning, I waited in the common room for the others after my shower. Thomas would probably have to be dragged to Transfigurations. I'd figured he'd be looking around the place as he had on the way Dumbledores office. When Thomas finally came out of the boys dormitory, he was fixing his tie. I could see the silvery white cat hair on his robes. As his pet, he'd refused to get an owl, even though they're much more helpful.

"Ready Tom?" I asked him, trying my best to brush the cat hairs off of him.

Thomas nodded, looking from Draco to me, "bloody hell, of course I am!"



You Can't Run Forever

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