Ch 1

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"Smack him, maybe then he will come to his senses." Blaise Zabini spoke, a worried look on his chiseled face. Gregory Goyle obliged, giving the blonde-haired leader of the group a firm smack across his cheek. A red handprint appeared on his pale face, shining in the candlelight of the seventh year Slytherin Dormitory. Draco Malfoy didn't stir, only leaning his head back in the chair, drool sliding down the corner of his mouth.

"This isn't working. We have to take him to the nurse." Goyle sputtered, looking down at Malfoy, his handprint growing darker.

"You know that's not an option. You're right though. We must do something. He has been like this for hours." Blaise concurred.

Draco was like a zombie. He did not talk. He did not move. He did not eat. His blue eyes rolled into the back of his head, looking as if he had become possessed. It was becoming late, and if they did not act fast, Draco's condition would surely worsen.

"Who do we know in this castle that can cure this curse or hex? Someone who isn't a teacher." Blaise asked, putting his thumb and forefinger to his chin.

"I know someone, but you're not going to like it." Theodore Nott spoke from underneath his book. Until then he had wanted no part in this. Draco was always up to no good and this was probably punishment from whoever cursed him. That was what he had seemed to gather anyway.

The boys turned to look at him, their worried faces turned into curiosity. "Oh yea? Who?" Goyle asked in a deep goblin-like voice.

"There is this girl I have advanced potions with. She is always going on about curses and how to make them stick. Most of us coin it as bullshit, but there might be some truth behind it." The brown-haired boy licked the tip of his finger before turning the page to his novel, still not looking up at the two.

"Well out with it. Who is she? What house is she in?" Blaise was growing impatient. Theo was usually not so talkative; it was a miracle he even spoke to them at all. There was always a smug look on his face, as if he was better than the rest of the Slytherin boys.

"Cornwell. She's in Gryffindor." Theo's short answer was met with a devilish grin. He waited for Blaise's reaction.

"Crazy Cornie? That's who you expect to cure Draco? Are you out of you're damn mind?!" Blaise shook his head before running his hand over his face in annoyance. This was most frustrating. He always felt he had to fix his friend's messes. This situation really took the cake.

"Do you have any other options Blaise? Hmm?" Theodore finally lifted his face from his book, sitting it on his lap. The look on his face taunted Blaise, making him even angrier.

Zabini grit his teeth, knowing Theo was right. He couldn't really count on Goyle to have any bright ideas. There were no ideas to be had in his fat head. No matter how he felt about Theo, he could admit he was smart. "I guess I don't." He said through his teeth. "Goyle grab his arm, I have the other." He said as the two boys rose Draco to his feet, watching his head fall back.

They were practically carrying him to the door of the dormitory, Draco's shoes dragging against the stone floor. "Well, are you coming?" Blaise craned his head back towards Theo.

Theodore cocked an eyebrow, scrunching his face up in annoyance. "And why would I do that? Whatever Malfoy did, it's not my problem."

Blaise huffed at this answer. How could he suggest they go see that crazy girl and not aid in their efforts? "You're the one who had advanced potions with her. You are gonna be the one who gets her to help."

The Nott boy rolled his eyes before dog-earing his spot in his book. He should have never said anything. This is what happens when he doesn't keep his mouth shut. "Fine. I'll go. But you owe me one." He rose from his seat and followed them out of the dorm and into the common room.

The Dark Promise// Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now